Do you find yourself kinda thinking conspiricy theorist are maybe correct?

by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 82 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    I was rather referring, cog, to the insistent requests that we:

    1. Watch a raving lunatic You Tube video. As if that could convince me.

    2. Engage a raving lunatic by e-mail. I'd rather poke my eye with a sharp stick.

  • golf2

    B-male. You don't have the guts to challenge Alan Stang. Anti-semitism is another hoax, Mr. Freedman deals on this topic in great length in his book,"Facts Are Facts." You never heard of Mullins until I brought it to your attention. Here's more names, Antony C. Sutton who wrote "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy." A. Ralph Epperson "America's Secret Destiny." Willian Guy Carr, "Pawns in the Game." John Coleman,"Conspirators Hierarchy: The story of the Committee of 300." Gary Allen, "Say 'No' to the New World Order." Also, "None dare Call it Conspiracy."

    What have you provided me, anti-semitism ? Really, you can do better than that. Give me something to go on to disprove there is no government conspiracy. Do you know who the Rothschilds are? Am I asking to much? Check out, "Billions Missing From U.S. Indian Trust Fund." No Conspiracy?

    Have a good day.


  • golf2

    For the record.

    Beta-male said, "your lack of an answer concerning your possible anti-semitism is telling enough to me."

    I sent B-male my response, I said, I've been dating a Jewish lady for the past two years and have attend weddings and social functions.

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