Do you find yourself kinda thinking conspiricy theorist are maybe correct?

by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 82 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • IreallydidwalkoutofaKH

    I don't know if it is me or if it is becauce I was taught so much false teachings growing up, or maybe that the Watch Tower publications are about a 10th grade level and when I read a thoughtful article I want to believe it. But boy, Television Media seems to present the public with truths the same way the Watchtower presents its truth. With 10 minute sound bites, never getting to deep and really not explaining very well the history of some of the subjects.Just a thought!

  • amicus

    Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't.

    Stereotypes are always wrong some of the time.

  • cognizant dissident
  • IreallydidwalkoutofaKH

    Yes every stereo type is right or wrong at times, but so topics I thought were completely over the top, actually made sence and were very deep.

  • amicus
    Yes every stereo type is right or wrong at times, but so topics I thought were completely over the top, actually made sence and were very deep.

    There you go, you dared to think.

    You thinkers sometimes actually listen to researchers.

    Research? Trouble?

    Trouble when one seeks unbiased answers to potentially difficult questions.

    Governments and religions have this all figgered out, no need to stress.

    Pray, salute and everything will be ok.

  • amicus


    US citizens will never know the details of 9/11.

    Did the US government lie about it? Yeah.

    Were they complicit? We'll never know.

    I've been a history buff from the age of 5 or 6?

    What to read and what to believe is always the issue.

    I love history but I have no answers for todays problems.

  • IreallydidwalkoutofaKH

    That was a good take "what to read and what to believe is always the issue" becauce with the internet so much is easy to read about that a person almost chooses what to think by what he reads. I was watching a you-tube broadcast about McCain and it made him look as wicked as could be. Then I watch something on You Tube on Obama and samething....just as good of an explaination but same result ..."bad Obama"! So if a person only watched one video then they really would have been convinced about their beliefs in who they voted for. Uh-oh...thats sounds earily similar to something else I experienced...LOL!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    My own observation--the higher the rate of pot smoking, the higher the probability in buying into conspiracy theories.

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • amicus
    My own observation--the higher the rate of pot smoking, the higher the probability in buying into conspiracy theories.

    And that is from a personal perspective? ;-)

    Actually I just watched a great fictional flick about drug use in the near future.

    "From a Scanner Darkly"

    Robert Downey Jr. had some great parts. The film had at least one classic scene, which is more than most have.

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