what's the point of all this power ?

by termite 35 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'VE BEEN READING ALL YOUR COMMENTS SINCE I FOUND THE UN THREAD.(i'm not angry- just hit the wrong button! Should have called my self crap with keyboard )Have read all with great interest since then; meeting attendance and hours down to zero... but feeling pretty low.angry,shocked, dissapointed etc ,funny how it hits you .ANY WAY ;JUST A LITTLE QUESTION; i CANT(this typing is getting embarassing) just ignore it. Where was i ? oh,yes...what do you think could be the point of the gb carrying on this power trip they have going on? I mean why encourage all to sell sell sell if the personally don't get a slice of the pie? or am i missing something. they must work relitively hard up there why... for admiration... or do you think they REALLY THINK THEY ARE GOD'S MOUTHPIECE... it just dos'nt seem to make sense since un thing... they are obviously not doing it to please jehovah. Cheers

    "Only two things are infinite- the universe and human stupidity, and i'm not too sure about the universe."

  • Celtic

    Perhaps we might find out what meds they are on or whether they are secretly alchemists cooking up white powder gold?


    Land of pagans and underground knockers - Things going bump in the night

    PS my apologies, another new face from the UK, from whence are you from? Great to see you here - welcome!!

    PPS Scapes - just so much respect your quote used!!

  • sunscapes

    For those who have been inside the org. , ie those here and Ray Franz, all this is really par for the course. Mouthpieces, YES but for God? Hardly.

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

  • metatron

    Imagine that you are old, wrinkly, incontinent and half
    senile. What good is money or sex to you? (except for
    Power is it. It's all that's left.

    When Carey Barber waves his cane on stage and
    get applause, don't you think that's what gets him off?


  • messenger

    Being in your 90's and treated like a king in a billion dollar nursing home is a pretty sweet deal if you think about it.

  • garybuss

    Hi termite 35, All,

    There is an illusion I think most of us had while we were practicing Witnesses. That illusion is this - The teachings and behaviors match. In an overwhelming majority of issues the teaching about the behavior and the actual behavior are not the same. The teachings and the behaviors do not match. Inconsistency and irregularity is a brand of a totalistic high control group.

    The UN issue is just one more in a long long line of conflicts. The Society teaches justification by merit through purity and prohibits even the imagined appearance by a group member of alliance or support with a government entity or a competing religious group. It seems that the leaders of the group should be as pure as they are requiring members to be. But they are not pure nor do they see any conflict. Their reaction to the exposure of this conflict indicated they are used to operating day in and day out under this double standard.

    The Society teaching about love is very different than the actual practice. Ask anyone who has been invited to the library.

    Their new light comes from Old Books And Dead Opposers, i.e. W.E. Vine who was a pastor in a Christian church and an opposer of Jehovah's Witnesses. They see nothing wrong with that.

    The Society teaches honesty while teaching Theocratic War Strategy, i.e. lying for the Society. The list goes on.

    The teachings and the behaviors do not match. This is the fact that undermines the Society and is an embarrassment to the sincere religious Witnesses who are mostly ignorant but supporters of the ugly facade.

    You will be shocked what you find when you begin your search into the real Watch Tower Corporation. Your questions will all be answered in detail.


  • Skeptic
    I mean why encourage all to sell sell sell if the personally don't get a slice of the pie?

    I am unsure of Russell's motives as to why he started the religion. I suspect he figured it would make money, but he may have actually wanted to tell about God. He did live high, while the rest of the brothers worked for free and lived poorly.

    Judge Rutherford used the Society for his own personal wealth. He lived in a mansion and had several limos.

    By the time we reach now, most of the GB do not live unusually wealthy lives. They do get to travel at Society expense when they want, and get to stay in the best hotels. All they had to do is give a special talk in the area they are going to. Plus, all of their physical needs are taken care of. They are probably better materially off than most people are, even if they do not "officially" own anything.

    However, the drive to sell more magazines, originally put in place to generate profits for the organization, seems to have taken on a mind of its own. JWs eventually equate the organization's prosperity with Jehovah's blessing. The more magazines placed, the more money the Society makes, and this is seen as a sign of Jah's blessing. By the time brothers work their way up to the GB, the mindset may hold so strongly that they will work for the Society's benefit, mistakenly thinking that they are working for Jah.

    I am sure some GB members like the power trip or do it because they will be well off materially. I also hear though that many are sincere. The sincere ones probably equate the Society's prosperity with Jah's blessing. Considering that the magazines provided a 500% markup/profit in 1979 (and is probably much higher today), it is no wonder the "preaching work" is so heavily emphasized.

    Hope this helps,


  • Bang

    I think it's a form of self-sufficiency, just like having plenty of money or something similar. Whether or not the whole thing's a lie seems to take second place to the firmament of personal pride which convinces a person that they simply must be right; the reasons including - a belief in the superiority of one's 'goodness' whereby accusations of others is standard - an unwarranted belief in one's intellectual ability - and an inability to accept the truth of one's own selfishness, particularly in regard to giving half or all of one's belongings to the poor.

    The smug and content darkness of the mind is reinforced by the new 'cleverer than the ordinary' type of followers, like oneself, and a person's unique importance to the creator of everything requires some sort of backing. And the importance of appearances is not just to circumvent potential embarrasement, but to give the self-assuring faith necessary to maintain the facade.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    many thanks all, food for thought ...will carry on searching and researching .work beckons .will be on later, i expect. I'm from Somerset

    "Only two things are infinite- the universe and human stupidity, and i'm not too sure about the universe."

  • Yerusalyim


    Power is a much more powerful elixir than is money. TRUST ME. There was an old CONAN THE BARBARIAN movie that displayed this well. Conan meets the ruler who killed his parents years ago. He asks why he is no longer in pursuit of wealth. The cult leader turns to a follower who is on a cliff working and motions for her to come to him. She immediately leaps to her death. He says something to the nature of "Wealth never brought me that kind of power."

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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