DC Drama 2008: A dream come true for the GB

by outofthebox 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    instead of the giant glowing talking heart and brain of past assemblies....they could have a giant glowing throbbing talking penis and vagina........it would get the point across more easily.....oh and a big pair of rolling stones lips for the oral sex section......I would pay to see that...and I'm scottish.....he he

  • dinah


    LOVE IT!!!!

    They should stop beating around the bush, so to speak.

  • sass_my_frass

    One of the most liberating moments of my life was watching a DC drama sitting next to the guy I was going to marry next weekend. Seeing it through his eyes, it was suddenly genuinely truly absurd. I'd always thought they were silly, a bit old-fashioned, poorly acted, melodramatic, and lots of other things, but suddenly it was utterly, utterly embarassingly delusional. We left. It was my last DC ever.

  • misguided

    An interesting end...to the supposed perfect family...real life....

    1. A complete perfect JW family (no monoparental)

    I was raised 3rd generation, non-monoparental, in a JW family...

    1. A perfect teenager with no desire for comedy, fun or entertainment (basically a GB member in the body of a girl)

    Yup, that'd be me...and turning everybody, my brother, friends, anyone who wasn't following officially the "perfect" jw into the elders...

    1. A representation of themselves: The John Class!

    Yes, my grandmother, on her deathbead at 98 (almost 99) telling my son to listen to the witnesses (while shunning me), when I took him to see him to see her one last time (with me pleading with him to go see her...that it's not about him...it's about giving her closure...especially since she kept saying she was sure she was going to live to see armaggeddon, and survive into the new system ...this past weekend...

    1. A dead JW that went to another city to work. For the extra touch

    almost got killed (well, that's probably an overstatement...he ran a stop sign, nearly nailed me in the driver's side door of my car (i was turning left onto the street he missed the stop sign of), but a dump truck hit him first, and, (amost miraculously ) hit him out of my path by a mere foot to foot and a half...by someone I recognize as a JW today...bizarre really...

    1. A crazy apostate with all his bad qualities

    that''d be me.

    1. A sexual deviant wordly person that desire little girls

    that'd be my kids' grandfather, he has a baby with is daughter. Oh yes, he is a JW. (I was also molested by 2 JW's ... one an elder, one a "brother".) in the 80s

    1. A pefectly family that want to go and preach where is more need

    Yup, that'd be my family....

    1. A father with no desire to get more money

    Yup, a famiy, who could have a good retirement...but turned it down...to keep their "live's simple." This cult has taken so much from my parents/grandparents. They're so "faithful.." it makes me want to puke.

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