Blood Card

by treadnh2o 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still_in74

    i shredded mine 6 months ago

  • Solace1998
  • blondie

    I tore it up, but I did have a lawyer draw up a healthcare power of attorney, detailing what procedures I will have or won't. Gave a copy to my doctor, clinic, and hospital.

  • hamilcarr

    I stopped carrying it when I "mentally" left the organization, 3 years ago.

  • Quirky1

    Once I read CofC I ran mine thru a shredder and I requested my DPA from local KH and they returned it to me. I had a new one made without the spouse on it just in case they made a copy and still retained it.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    mine says fill me up

  • carla

    I often worry what my jw will do if the need comes up for me. Thinking the easiest way would be get a tatoo across my chest that says I accept all medical procedures. Or break down and do the legal paperwork and not tell him like he hasn't told me he has signed over his medical care to complete strangers. Just not up for the conversation these days. Hard to imagine my own husband would let me die so he doesn't get his own hands dirty with blood guilt or whatever the jw term is these days. I know, pull my head out of the sand, get my butt in gear and take care of business legally.

  • BluesBrother

    It was the first thing to go, as soon as the penny dropped the "truth" , although I had to fade slowly....As somebody said about the cards, I wonder how many dubs carry old ones because the do not like the new ones?

    I have placed a "living will" with my doctor's records with what I want to happen, if I need it and I wear a "Medic Alert " pendant. It says inside what I want in an emergency, I cannot do more. I believe my next of kin wold not permit a transfusion for if they have to make the decision.

  • freeme

    stopped carrying it like two years ago. still in. it still exists though.

    the blood doctrine is one of the silliest and easiest to deprove doctrines existing. it would be laughable if it werent so incredibly sad.

    the WT will drop it though. i dont think that it will be here in 20 years from now (i hope). but even if it takes longer they'll drop it. they just have to be very sensitive. theyve to drop it bit by bit until its gone. it will take a couple of new lights until full drop. jws need the chance to forget about the full blood ban first.
    when they dropped it it will be a matter conscience and then never mentioned much again.

    im pretty sure about that.

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