Assembly day one - less than two hours attended

by insearchoftruth 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    Well my wife went to day one of the assembly, but for only 1.5 hours, she left early to meet me for lunch and off to an appointment this afternoon. She really did not say much about the assembly except it was "nice" and she said that the speaker was really good, not sure which speaker she was referring to, either why be guided by God's Spirit or the Holy Spirit at work in creation, most likely both......

    When she called I told her stay if she really wanted to, but she did not....

    Any ideas of what these two presentations were about.....and any references that may help me drop some ideas and provoke some thoughts?

    Not sure of her plans for tomorrow or Sunday......may be heading to some of each of those days as well, if she goes tomorrow, I may go for a few hours with her, to insulate from love bombs as well as to be able to ask why folks are allegiant to an organization rather than Jehovah???

  • jgnat

    The Witnesses wind up slowly. Nothing exciting would happen on Friday.

    9:40 Chairman's Address: Why be Guided by God's Spirit?

    You might ask if the Anointed or the Governing Body were mentioned at all, and why we would trust them to be directed by God's Spirit?

    10:10 Hearing From Those Helped by Previous Conventions

    10:30 Holy Spirit - At Work in creation!


    11:00 Symposium: Faithful Ones of Old - guided by God's Spirit

    In Moses' Time

    In the Days of the Judges

    In the First Century (I am sure there was mention of an "Organization" similar to the Watchtower society today, though there is scant evidence of that. Paul went out and preached. There is little evidence that Paul reported directly to the Apostolic group.)

  • insearchoftruth

    She left at the break....I know she said she missed the symposium...thanks!!! I saw she did write down a bunch of verses from the Bible, am going to try to figure what they are and see if I can read them in context.....

    Has anyone posted a schedule of the assembly....would like to have an idea what she may or may not make the next couple of days.

  • jgnat

    Awww heck. I don't know who is more a sucker for punishment, you for wanting the dirty details or me for typing them. Here's what I've got (I'm skipping the songs and breaks).


    9:40 Examining God's Inspired Word is Beneficial

    9:50 Symposium: Directed by God's Spirit in Our Ministry

    "Speaking the Word of God with Boldness"

    "Skillfully Wielding "the Sword of the Spirit"

    "The Spirit and the Bride Keep On Saying: "Come""


    11:00 Receive God's Spirit, Not the World's

    11:20 "The Minding of the Spirit Means Life and Peace"

    11:40 Baptized "in the Name of....the Holy Spirit"


    2:05 Bible Writers - "Borne Along by Holy Spirit"

    2:25 Symposium:Empowered by Holy Spirit"

    To Fight Temptation

    To Cope with Tiredness and Discouragement

    To Withstand Persecution

    To Resist Harmful Peer Pressure (This one could be juicy)

    To Endure Adversity

    3:25 Sow "With a View to the Spirit"


    3:55 "Do Not Be Grieving God's Holy Spirit" (My UBM Spidey Senses tells me this is where there might be some jabs in for any "worldly" or "materialistic" influences)

    4:25 "Keep Yourselves in God's Love"


  • jgnat


    9:40 Considering the Day's Text Helps Us Walk by Spirit

    9:50 Symposium: Cultivate "the Fruitage of the Spirit" (Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Self-Control)


    11:30 Public Talk: Reap Blessings Through Jehovah's Spirit-Guided King!


    1:45 DRAMA: Do Not Leave "the Love You Had at First" (My favorite villain of all time, "Scolios")

    2:35 Summary of the Watchtower(Yes, even at convention there is no skipping the Watchtower article!)

    3:15 Loyally Serving With Jehovah's Spirit-Directed Organization (Veteran JW's would recognize this as the "meat" of the convention. Heavy use of coded language, however, means that newcomers might not catch the significance. I heard that even though Bethel reconizes that field service is increasingly irrelevant (Fuller brush salesmen were mentioned with a chuckle), it will continue. The Bethel heavy suggested switching traditional field service hours to when people actually might be at home, more telephone witnessing, and street work. "If it were not important the Faithful and Discreet Slave would not ask us to do it.")

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks, sorry to make you go through that pain and suffering!!! but much appreciated nonetheless!

  • changeling

    Is "scoliosis" named for Scolios, I wonder?

    Was Scolios twisted or curved perhaps?

    changeling :)

  • FadingAway
    Was Scolios twisted or curved perhaps?

    No, but he sure reminded me of a pimp with his costume. Maybe Scolios translates to "keeper of my ho's."

  • jgnat

    "Scolios" is the greek word for "twisted". Scoliosis, the condition, comes from the same root word. We're not talking sophisticated here, folks.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Ha Ha. You are more interested in the assembly talks than she is!

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