How many of you believe in God, but not the Bible as His word?

by chappy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Greensleeves

    I guess I don't have bind faith so am heading for that hell fire that he made for people like me.

    I am tired of seeing people use this similar phrase about Hell. The JW's don't believe in it, so it isn't relevant to anything besides searching for a new religion after you leave.

    The Bible is too flawed to be the Word of the God it claims. The Witnesses use the bible itself to prove itself as being true. A logical mind would not accept the bible as true.

    I want to believe there is something greater than mankind and that there is a purpose for life and the Universe. I have trouble believing Evolution is a good explanation for human existance. But I don't find any religion to be provable. That must be where faith comes in. Like many people I believe the bible to be the work of men alone. So Christianity is written off my list as well as Judaism.

    I believe that there are things I don't understand. I wonder if God might be an alien lifeform that visited the planet 1000's of years ago. That begs the question; Who created the Alien?

  • jaguarbass

    If you do believe in God but not that the Bible is his word what are your core beliefs and how did you arrive at them? Even if you don't believe in the Bible as the word of God, do you find it useful/helpful in your faith? Do you still adhere to any particular religion? chappy I don't know what I believe anymore and that's not a good place to be. I do know what the bible says as I have read it cover to cover and hit and miss many times. The bible says just about what ever you want it to say. Or you can interpret it, spin it however you want. My core beliefs, I'm going to pay taxes and I am going to die. 100 years from now there will be all new people. I call myself an agnostic. But there are so many defintions to agnostic that you may or may not agree. I go with the definition that an agnostic does not know. I have a strong, warm fuzzy feeling that we reincarnate and keep coming back to live different lives and learn lessons. To me that is more logical than the bible story. We are spirits in a material world and we come down here because we were bored in heaven. This is the only game in town. The admission to go through these doors, to get on this ride is to forget who we were or where we came from. It's such a great ride that we did a fantastic job of hiding that information from ourselves.

  • AGuest

    in the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies... ("JaHVeH")... and who is the God and Father of my Lord and Master, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH ("JAH Saves/Salvation of JAH"... "Chosen/Anointed of JAH").

    I know that the Bible is not His word... because the Bible saysHis Word is Christ. The Bible (meaning, the part of it that is scripture) only bears witness to Christ.

    The Bible says that we should listen to and follow the Son of God. It does NOT say that we should listen to and follow it.

    Therefore, I follow no other: no man, no book, and no other spirit than the Holy Spirit, which the Bible says is the glorified Christ.

    As a result, I do not "belong" to any "religion." I "belong" to no one... but Christ... as HIS slave, and servant to HIS people... and it is his voice only that I listen to, which the Bible says I would do.

    I do not worship IN a church, for (1) God does not dwell in handmade temples (churches) but, rather, He dwells in us, His temple/church... just as the Bible says; and thus (2) I am the temple and "house" of God, as are all those who dwell in God and Christ and they in them... just as the Bible says; and so (3) I am a "member" of the Body of Christ (he being the Head), and thus a member of the "congregation" of the Firstborn... by means of such dwelling and union. Just as the Bible says.

    You can search the scriptures because you think that you will receive everlasting life by means of them, but everlasting life comes through the One who has all authority to give it. And he is not in the Bible. You can look for him in churches... and synagogues... and man-made temples and institutions. He is not there, either.

    God and Christ do not dwell in the sky; they dwell in us... IF we hear the knocking and OPEN to them. In that case, THEY will come into US... and take the evening meal... with US.

    May anyone wishing, have ears to hear. And may they hear the Spirit and the Bride, for they KEEP saying:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... the holy spirit of God... FREE!"

    A slave of Christ and servant to his household and God's, Israel, and all those who go with,


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