ok, its been bout 11 years, i think i want to start dating

by orbison11 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • orbison11

    but,,,,i dont come in contact with any men, lol

    my business (work) is female only and i dont go out,,,prob due to a lot of issues re dfing, etc

    any advice



  • SuperApostateGirl

    What kind of work in general do you do?

  • orbison11

    esthetics,,nails, peds, etc

  • babygirl75

    In order to move on you're going to have to let some of your issues with df'ing go...

    Why don't you try going out with your girlfriends from work, or see if they know some nice guys they could introduce you to. I don't know anything about those online dating sites, but I guess you could check that out as well.

  • Hope4Others

    I'm sure the girls at work know some cute available men......Someone always knows someone...


  • SuperApostateGirl

    I got it,start advertising Manicures you'll get some hot metrosexual in there,I here its all the rage!

    If that doesn't work go to the bar and get drunk,you'll break the no home run streak! LOL!

  • orbison11

    hhaha u guys are too funny, i had a shop for 6 yrs, just moved to my house in the past 3 months,,,due to yukky area it became, etc

    so i now have only women coming to my house,,,i only go out to buy food/pay bills, as for online dating,,some of my cilents are doing it,,only one sounds ok,,,,another,,,,she is about 60, nice (hot) lady,,after coffee with first time guy, invited him immediately to her condo,,,bbq, have a drink or two,,she came out from kitchen,,and he had taken his 'thing' out,,,she laughed and told him to put it back in

    after stories like that i am so not interested in the online thing,,,,,,unless any here have had success


  • babygirl75
    and he had taken his 'thing' out,,,she laughed and told him to put it back in

    LOL....we'll that one way for you to decide if you're interested!!!

  • SuperApostateGirl

    Ok heres the gameplan,listen carefully!

    Join up for Yoga,you don't know how many times I 've heard men say they go there to meet women.

    Join a slow pitch team,plenty of men.

    Look in your local newspaper they often hold singles dances,this is common in Canada and I know where your from!

    Get some gals together and go for a weekly wing night,it looks like your only there for the wings and not desperate,LOL!

    Learn to play golf,you'll see why...lots of older rich men there,Ha,Ha!

    Advertise on, on-line dating service your not looking for a long term relationship,they'll pile in ,in droves (you didn't say you were looking for a long term thing)

    Join a Judo club,have you seen the men in there! Hot dog! It doesn't matter if your not co-ordinated someone will show you the moves,Tee,Hee!

    Mail order husband - the kind that don't speak and put out,now we are talking ( although I'm talking to myself right now )

    If none of the above works,I will set you up I know a dude in alberta!

  • avishai

    Come down to Oregon for a few days. There's lots of fun stuff
    <br>Plus I know this guy, great conversationalist, know how to BBQ and is a heck of a lot of fun...also he know's all about df issues..

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