There can be NOONE who has used their brain LESS... factually.

by New light for you 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • StAnn

    New Light, I'm a SAHM and it can be extremely mind-numbing. I take classes at my local university just to keep in touch with the outside world.

    Staying informed and exercising your brain is something you have to commit to, regardless of religious affiliation.

    In the past, when I was single and couldn't afford to take classes, I decided to educate myself via the public library. I wrote down a list of people that interested me. I went to the library and checked out every single book about those people and every single book ever written by the person I was studying. I could spend six months reading about one person but, when I was done, I certainly had learned a lot! And as another poster said, there are always lots of books in the bibliographies to further your research.

    I read about Theodore Roosevelt, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and C. S. Lewis, to name just a few. Fascinating people.

    Best of luck jump-starting your brain!


  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Gently...Thank you so much for understanding, i was going to approach that post, then just didn't want to expound the effort, but you did a beautiful job, thank you.

    StAnn... thank you for commiserating on the SAHM thing.. that's great ideas. I'm way to overeducated about all the history and misleadings of the WT, i need to move onto something more constructive!

  • Solace1998

    I dont know of anyone except for genuine old school fogeys (70-80 yrs old and didn't even know what college was about) that thought college was "bad"

    the only thing i heard was "why not pioneer after high school, to put spiritual things first, and figure out what you want to do" -- this was great advice that i took, and pioneered first, and then later on went to school, in order to get a decent job that would allow me to pioneer in the future.

    I was still considered "good" -- even "exemplary" which is why i became an ms (gotta love the judgments :( )

    But no, it wasnt just my elders, my friends -- it was everyone -- i heard it from the platform at conventions - mainly focused at seeking college to pursue pioneering, but i dont see anything wrong with that really... although i have found other things just as pleasurable now, pioneering was an extremely enjoyable experience.

    yes, ive scrubbed some toilets in my life - but thats before i was focused with work and knew what i wanted to do. And that work was just fine - it paid really well...


    I was somewhat stimulated before i became a witness - which is what led me there - but it increased a TON afterwards. Never would i picture being interested in quantum mechanics, evolution, geography, history - if it wasn't for the questions i asked when i was a witness.

    New Light for you -= perhaps this is the real issue here:

    "just didn't want to expound the effort"

    Let's not be oversensitive, lets appreciate the problems at hand, and find ways to fix them. I will stand behind anyone that seeks to improve their lot in life, mentally, spiritually, intellectually, all the "ally's" -- but lets not make scapegoats for our insecurities or lack of good judgment.

    Discussion is key - endless emotional attachment to regret and blame is not.

  • Hortensia

    New Light - your thread doesn't sound like a pity party. It sounds like an awakening. Everyone has to scrub some toilets in life, or something equivalent. But that shouldn't be all, you're right about that. Also, the more you push your brain, the less likely you are to have Alzheimer's or dementia, so that's another practical reason to start using that brain. Should be fun, no matter what you read or study you'll enjoy it. Also, I think that the thing most likely to lead to children who love to read is a parent who loves to read. In my family we were all book addicts, mainly because my mother read all the time and bought us books to read when she could afford it. Your kids will benefit if they see you reading and enjoying it.

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