Pioneer School (Wacko) Comments Part 1

by nbernat 51 Replies latest members private

  • changeling

    Thanks for the funny update!

    By the way: you keep saying "you guys" as in apostates. I get the feeling you are playing "undercover" and reporting back to JWD while at the same time distancing yourself by saying "you guys". You might be in pioneer school, but you are one of "us".

    changeling :)

  • chickpea
    He talked about you guys again today

    i would like to thank you for the spatter
    across my screen, as i sprayed the as
    yet unswallowed contents of my mouth
    after reading that bit of news!!

    i dont know how you resist laughing out loud
    or flying into a raging rant over some of these
    inane, patronizing, untrue and/or degrading comments...
    but keep up the good work!!

  • Solace1998

    if you dont like the organization, why are you a pioneer? Or did you get these comments secondhand? If you have problems being a pioneer, you certainly shouldnt be so two faced so as to post in derision on an internet board of ex-jws -- thats cowardly.

  • Finally-Free
    He talked about you guys again today.

    What is this "you guys" business? Don't be bashful and exclude yourself. You're here, so you're one of us too.


  • Solace1998

    not to mention, one of them ;)

  • logic

    I think that is why they keep this kind of information for the pioneers only, they are more inclined to believe all this crap. I believe if the society did this in the congregations to the regular jws it would bring on a lot of question. Most of the pioneers I know, and I know alot of them and some are relatives, soak this stuff up like a sponge.

  • Anti-Christ
    if you dont like the organization, why are you a pioneer? Or did you get these comments secondhand? If you have problems being a pioneer, you certainly shouldnt be so two faced so as to post in derision on an internet board of ex-jws -- thats cowardly.


  • Cindi_67

    All this doesn't amaze me. I had a friend who was a pioneer and even though I don't remember all of the things she told me about the Pioneer School, she mentioned a few things that made me feel very "small" as far as not doing enough.

    And why are you bashing this person for posting that here? Usually you are all on top of posts like these one. I do would like to know if you are a pioneer or you just got this from another pioneer.

    I don't feel offended by the "you guys" term. I don't consider myself an apostate. Maybe she/he doesn't consider her/himself an apostate either. Just because i have faded and don't agree with the Org., in some things, doesn't make me an apostate. I know they will label me as one, if they know I post here or don't agree with some things, but I feel apostates are those who don't only agree with the Organization but actively go after it to bring it down. Maybe I am wrong, but that's my intake.

  • Solace1998


    got anything more to say besides that?

  • Anti-Christ
    got anything more to say besides that?


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