Do YOU Look Like YOUR Avatar/JWD mini-pic

by RAYZORBLADE 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    A@G, I periodically change my avatar. This is a self pic taken at my desk (now in the corner office...tee hee hee) last week.

    Well Sweetieface,

    You certainly don't look like you'll be born in 5 years time... and you don't look Ecuadorean either. Or are you?

    I served there doing missionary work for a cult for 5 years when I was a brainwashed JW... tee hee hee


  • LayingLow

    I look just like mine. I even carry a sword sometimes.


    Well a few of you, as expected have funny remarks associated with your avatars.

    Someone in the Great NYC area hates that word: I know. But even 'I' had to check the definitions...and well you old're just going to have to get used to it.

    A ha!

    Shamus100 - you are a good lookin' lad, but you always have retarded avatars.

    What's with your oil induced coma products of self reflection?

    Tsk! Tsk!

    JK666 - I hope to heck that D.U.I./D.W.I. gets straightened out, coz were itchin' to meet your mad ass.

    Ninja: wherever you are in the Glasgow area - please 'pull our finger'.

    The Blade

  • sass_my_frass

    My avatar is a picture of me the day Peters milk company stopped making vanilla honeycomb shakes.

  • Sparkplug

    Yes it is I! And that is all I have to say about that. Uh hum!

  • doofdaddy

    I have put my face up before and will again when I can be arsed to take a new shot. The current avatar is a Balinese goddess carved into the foyer of a rather swanky hotel I stayed in recently.

  • witnessgirl

    Yes, it's me. But I don't get loose issues of the mags any more and the only songbooks left in the house are hardcover. (I honestly thought I'd gotten rid of the songbooks years ago but recently came across two hardcover copies in a closet, along with a few genuinely neat surprises that I thought for sure I'd gotten rid of--purple Kingdom Interlinear, two green 1961 NWTs, and, best of all, a copy of the old "Divine Purpose" book that was sort of a forerunner to "Proclaimers".)

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    Yes I do really like this one...tried to change a few times, but I always gravitate back to this

    H4O, Do you like Cry For Dawn or just like the picture? I've never read that book but I do like many other comics.

  • Pandoras cat
    Pandoras cat

    Just the color of the eyes!!


  • mouthy

    Yes that is me on my 80th birthday.... are a hottie And even at MY age I will second that stateman a REAL HOTTIE!!!!

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