The Efficacy of JWs’ Shunning (Your experiences and analysis)

by JW_Researcher 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • loosie

    In my opinion shunning only works if you have no friends or family out in the normal world. If eveyone you know won't talk to you then it can be very hard staying out.

  • burningbridges

    For me, and for a few others I know, it has pushed us away further and further, NEVER "bring us to our senses" however, those I speak of have had family on the outside for support. The one case I know of whwer shunniog worked, the lady had no other fmaily and no other firends and was a social outcast of sorts, SHe had a real hard time making new frends and was only lonlier then. So in her case, she had no one and reterned. I think shunning is ridiculous. I think it only works if you have no one wlse on the outside, if all your family is in the "truth"

  • JW_Researcher

    Loosie wrote

    In my opinion shunning only works if you have no friends or family out in the normal world. If eveyone you know won't talk to you then it can be very hard staying out.

    So do you think that folks who are in that position (no other family or friends outside) are less likely to engage in wrong-doing or more likely to be "repentant" (according to JWs)?

    In other words, kinda' like Lady Zombie observed above, the more they have to "lose," the better shunning works?

  • JW_Researcher

    burningbridges wrote

    The one case I know of whwer shunniog worked, the lady had no other fmaily and no other firends and was a social outcast of sorts, SHe had a real hard time making new frends and was only lonlier then. So in her case, she had no one and reterned. I think shunning is ridiculous. I think it only works if you have no one wlse on the outside, if all your family is in the "truth"

    That seems to be the concensus so far, at least of the few who have weighed in.

    Since many JWs are in the situation you describe (family in, few friends and support outside of the organization) maybe it does keep folks in line.

    Thank you for your observations.

  • yknot
    1) Does shunning work? (For example, does it bring “sinners” to their senses? Does it keep the congregation “clean”? Does it prevent wrong-doing?)
    2) How and why does shunning work or not work?

    It all depends on the type of person and the type of Elders on a JC.

    Example I don't rob banks because of jail time....but because I know it is wrong. However some people need stronger motivation.

    For many the DFing effect only causes them to live double lives. The restrictiveness of the WTS is far greater then Christ.

    Some Elders want to apply Christ others are just wanting to exort power over another human being.

    I have seen it work in only one time (sincere individual), all others were a joke (Elderkid whose dad wrote reinstatement request) or pure tragedy (ummm that would be the majority).

    In theory it could work if you had very compassionate people being led by the love described in the Bible and not by the Pharisitical Flock Manual. Most of the time the scriptures about approaching a person ones, twice (with second witness) and then if not changing their ways the Elders....never happens rather a rumor or some gossip is leaked to the Elders and a JC is in the wings.

    Do I believe in such 'punishments' yes but only on rare occassions and only as the very last resort.

  • JW_Researcher

    Thanks yknot.

    For many the DFing effect only causes them to live double lives

    I've seen this as well. I guess, in an odd way, it shows that the fear of DFing is present but may not be enough.

    Most folks who rob banks do not think they'll be caught (at least I think that is what they think) so the possible prison sentence would have limited value as a deterrent.

    It's kinda' like door locks...they keep out the "honest" people but not true burglars.

  • yknot
    It's kinda' like door locks...they keep out the "honest" people but not true burglars.

    Good analogy......

    Where their is a will their is a way!

  • gabriella

    I am inactive but not df'd. When I get shunned it makes me angry and hurt, but definitely doesn't make me want to go back. So, in that way I'd say it is ineffective. It just seems ridiculous to me and doesn't make me want to be active again. I think where they are really going to get themselves in trouble with lawsuits is not making exceptions for family members. There is such a thing as grandparent rights and parental rights and when they encourage young people to shun their own df'd parent or grandparent that seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen. I've come to look at shunning as emotional blackmail and I could see them having to change it in the future, if not by choice by Caesar's law.

  • DaCheech
    The ones who were DF'd that came back usually had a majority of family who were JW, or lost a job (they were working for a JW), and didn't have an outside ("worldly" friends/family) support system.

    this is really key, if one is the only one in family and he has not alienated the ones that are not JWS, then he/she will have a good chance of not returning. some do loose jobs, and especially in small towns this will be a major problem.

    read this story that got me tearing 4 years ago.

  • DaCheech

    p.s. we had a disfellowshipped person come to my hall, he was reinstated after 6 months.

    at a dinner when I was talking to him, he confided that at his previous hall he was disfellowshipped for 2 years, and the elders would not meet with him to see if he was qualified to return.

    these elders were being vengeful to him

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