I think we've been found out!

by TweetieBird 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    There have been a few things that have happened the past couple of weeks that makes me think that the word is being spread that we are "apostate."

    First, a sister that I have known since I was a teenager, looked me dead in the eyes and did not even acknowledge me, twice in the same store. That didn't bother me because I have never liked her.

    Second, a long time friend of my husbands, who is normally friendly, was very cool towards him the last time he saw him.

    Then my mom calls me the other day and point blank asked me if I was having doubts about the organization. Before I could answer yes or no she started ranting on about staying close to the org, blah, blah, blah, I zoned her out.

    Yesterday (Thanksgiving) was the clincher...my mom-in-law (a die-hard JW) had a "family dinner" complete with turkey, dressing, all the trimmings with about 50 witnesses there (mostly family). Some members of the family barely acknowledged we were there, you could have cut the tension with a chain-saw.

    I think we must have said too much to a couple of people in the family lately. The other day we got into a huge discussion about "the truth" with my husband's brother (who is secretly living with someone, not his wife and says he won't marry her when his divorce is final because, get this, she's not a witness. He is sleeping around, avoiding the elders because he does not want to get disfellowshipped) I tried to tell him about the UN thing and he said he did not want to hear anything apostate. What a hypocrite. I know of at least 4 girls/women he has banged in the last year that's not his wife. He says that eventually he will go back to the meetings and not screw around but it's not out of his system yet. What makes him think that Jehovah will forgive him when he willfully practices sin, knowing full well that it is against Jehovah's law? And I'm the evil one. Anyway, I suspect that he has mentioned the conversation with others in the family, probably to take the heat off of himself.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I have no one else to talk to. I'm burning my JW bridges fast.

  • joelbear

    Hi Tweety,

    Yes, the permanent 1984 world of thought control is alive and well.

    Hope you are able to survive dealing with your warped relatives. It is always a challenge.



  • Frenchy

    Tweetie: Your brother-in-law's behavior is not unique. I have had the same experience with several witnesses who would 'defend the truth' vehemently while they, themselves were smoking, taking dope, and drinking themselves into a stupor at every opportunity. I had one such conversation with a young man not too long ago. He's still disfellowshipped but trying to 'get back in' but he's drunk most of the time.

    I had a sister-in-law that was so very holier than thou while at the same time she was sleeping around. I met witness who made a point of being an extremely prim and proper witness and then a few months later she left her husband and children. The list goes on and on.

    Just remember that these are the people that will stab you in the back and think they are doing some great service to God.

  • AMarie

    Hey tweetie:

    I'm sorry that some of your family members have to be so hipocritical. Unfortunately, as Frenchy said, it is very typical of people in the "truth". I know many that were DFd for sleeping around, doing drugs and drinking that don't talk to me to this day even though we are all disfellowshipped. Somehow, I am worse than them because I refuse to live a double life and not go back to something I don't believe in.

    Sounds like you may have some very challanging times ahead of you. Now that word is getting around that you are a doubter, this information could fall on the wrong ears, namely the elders. This could mean interogation by them and future disfellowshipping for you. However, no matter what happens in the future, stick to your guns and don't compromise what you believe in. Being untrue to yourself is far worse than losing your family's favor.


  • chappy

    When a couple of my close relatives were presented with the evidence about the UN situation, (UN web site info; Guardian article) they said in no uncertain terms that it was an apostate conspiracy; that they had hacked the web site and falsified the Guardian article. They really believe that. Unbelievable! The human mind can really get screwed up.


  • ashitaka

    Frenchy and Joel, not surprising. I agree with both of your statements.


  • gumby

    TweetieBird: Sounds like you have a major horndog bro.in law. Do you think it would be good to tell his wife? Dosen't sound at all fair to his wife that she is being cheated on over and over. I can relate to his reasoning (although a warped reasoning)...heres why. When I was a servant in the cong. I smoked weed and I can remember my reasoning. I wouldn't dare commit adultry or things of the like and I even counciled publishers when they erred. So for some reason I could overlook the weed thing yet was so staunch in other matters and even was exemplary to other elders/ms in taking the lead.
    This reasoning is typicall with cults.
    Are ALL of your family dubs?

  • TR

    Hi Tweetie,

    A "family dinner" on Thanksgiving day. LOL! Geez.

    It seems that the 'hovahs df'd for the worst crimes are loyal to the borg, while "apostates" are just those that wised up and calmly left.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Richie

    Hi Tweetie...
    They are so hypocrital by ignoring willful sinners who screw around like there is no tomorrow and yet when you want to mention what happened with the UN and the WT, just for clarification-sake, then you are somehow shunned to an extent... This is pure mindcontrol where the Society continues to put the fear factor in front of all the believers so that the thinking ability of each witness is curtailed enough so as to not be able to form their own opinion, based on intellectual observance!
    A pity it is that you are subjected to this kind of harassment. I surely hope that Jehovah will forgive them....

    Richie :*)

  • Mindchild

    Hi Tweetie,

    I see selective amnesia is alive and well as always inside the Collective. Your revelation of your brother in law's behavior reminds me of an elder I knew once who would dess up in a really nice suit and go to McDonald's to get some Catsup packets and then go the the heart of the business district. What he would do then is open one or two of these packets and spread it on his arm, to make it look like he had been stabbed. When he got the look just right, he would run up to different people and ask them for $20 to catch a cab to the hospital because he had just been mugged and stabbed! He told me that he easily cleared $300 a day doing this.

    If that wasn't bad enough, he had a M.S. working with him once in awhile in the same city doing another scam. He would get out on a ledge of a high building, looking like he was getting ready to jump and when a crowd formed at the bottom, his "son" (this other brother) would keep yelling, "Don't do it Dad! Please don't kill yourself. I know we don't have any money to feed ourselves because you lost your job...blah blah" What would happen is that he would take a quick collection from the bystanders who felt a lot of guilt and compassion, and they would split the loot.

    Doesn't that sound like a hypocritical dub also? I wasn't a dub when I met this joker (I didn't know the M.S.) but I thought he was joking about all this when he told me about it. I found out later in another conversation that he really didn't believe the doctrinal stuff (an elder mind you) but that it was so easy to get laid in the congregation, he didn't want to give up a good thing.


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