Horrific fuel prices in Germany

by flyphisher 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sammielee24
    Yes, and Brits and many Europeans enjoy good commuter and rural trains and rapid transit. The countries, many of them, are about the size or smaller than many of our states

    Yes...and a friend of mine who lives in Englad and who is approaching 60, will receive free bus transport anywhere in the country - something to remember if you travel to spend time with family and friends. He will also be eligible to recieve substantitally reduced train fare as well if he chooses to travel that way. Let's face it - if I wanted to hit Las Vegas and could do it for free - I'd save travel costs and spend it on tourist attractions or lodging and that helps spur the economy in other ways. You can't compare countries who have different tax rates and social programs and are geographically at opposite ends of the scale ...sammieswife.

  • dogon

    There is one small silver lining to this cloud, The dubbers have to pay for all thier gas and they get nothing to deduct or any compinsation. I find it funny when I drive by a hall on sat. and see the cars. LOL Go for it butholes!! LOL This is less money they have to give the world wide ripoff.

  • jstalin
  • ColdRedRain

    Not to mention too that we have all sorts of "boutique" blends of gasoline that make gas expensive. Why do we need 20 blends of gasoline when all of the cars burn the same kind of gas?

  • hamilcarr

    Government control is no argument.


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