Does anyone remember the pic about the apostates at end of 1000 yrs.....

by chrisjoel 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    I remember the picture and was just thinking of it a few days ago... they got it backwards... the good are on the inside and the WTS represents mean and nasty apostates on the outside.. The WTS is an apostate religion. :)

  • james_woods

    Isn't this a rather mean-spirited thing for God to do? I mean - here you made it through the tribulation, Armageddon, 1000 years of the most boring & uneventful life you could ever imagine (cleaning up the remains of the last big battle, rebuilding society according to the Watchtower, etc.) -

    And then! Satan is let loose again! Yes - Satan! We just need to test you earthly no-gooders one more time. We Annointed will be monitoring your fate up here in the Starship...

    No wonder these guys are pissed...

  • Awakened07
    And then! Satan is let loose again! Yes - Satan! We just need to test you earthly no-gooders one more time.

    Yep - the guy allegedly responsible for all the shit in the universe in the first place, gets to live and be an a-hole for thousands of years and allegedly kill - directly or indirectly - billions of people. And - as if that wasn't lenient enough, he gets to live another thousand years, in shackles but still, and then is let loose again! - While a poor schmuck who happens to be a human, gets to be dead for all eternity for a minor infraction done in his perhaps 35 year long life. Now that's justice for you.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Ha, I remember that picture.

    You'd think Satan would give them gorgon death rays or something rather than sticks and headbands.

  • chrisjoel

    The Ransom gets paid man is brought to perfection. But wait death is Still used as a threat against perfect humans. Humans having achieved perfection now rebel against the ruling establisment and Satan convinces everyone to be apostates.

    It does seem that Satan If kept in the abyss forever and brought out for "special cleaning" would serve a better purpose than to kill him.

  • james_woods

    It probably wouldn't be too hard for Satan to work up an angry mob like that - just cook up a weekly clandestine Satanic Barbeque for about 5 years or so, feed your mob well, and then let the Watchtower enclave tell them that they will never taste another sirloin steak again for all eternity.

    I'll bet they would even have some re-trained Lions that suddenly remember what their fangs were for.

  • Jim_TX

    ...and yet another lie is handed to the humans.

    They were told that when they were resurrected - they had paid for their 'sin' - through death. But noooooooo!!! Let's kill 'em again!

    No wonder they're pi**ed! They just learned that they had been lied to!


    Jim TX

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    They don't look all that scary to me. They look like a bunch of renegades from "that 70s Show!!" Hell, Cheech and Chong look scarier than that bunch to me. Even the Lion in the picture looks like the rest of the guys and apparently has no gonads either. Apparently the paradise will mean the complete feminization of all males....both human and animal!

  • lavendar

    I wonder what the four people squatting down are reading........maybe Self-Defense For Dummies?

  • chrisjoel

    Thought id look at it one more time..and is it just me or does it look like there are letters written in the water pond.

    A U U or S and W or 3. ?? eyes must be playin tricks on me....or not.

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