A phone call from the elders.

by strawberry cake 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    MY husband and I left the Org about 6 months ago and in voicing our views we were shunned.
    The elders who were 'friends' treated us with cold efficiency to the letter of their law.

    One Older elder played 'good cop' and invited us over for a heart-to-heart. He listened with practiced compassion and then ended the evening by telling us to stay away from the brothers and sisters or he will not be able to stop the 'bad cop' brothers from disfellowshipping us.

    I know he was using words'seasoned with salt to' do what the others were doing ...shunning us. He lied when he said, we were always welcomed in his home, then he said, he hoped he would be welcomed in ours.

    Well as I said 6 months on, he asked one of his company man type elders( an ex friend!) to ring us and ask if it was alright if they paid us both a visit. Well I saw straight away that this was the visit that would probably lead to our disfellowshipping.

    My husband thought it a waste of time and I agreed and told them this. I also told him what I thought of the Org, the ridiculous polices, the change of doctrine and the GB. I told him they were like the pharisees and had no love. The brother said 'I'll take that as a no then '.....

    You see, we are in a position, were by it doesn't effect us that much if we were disfellowshipped as most of my family are not JWs( I have hopes my 2 sons will leave as they are 'on the fence') and we have moved on and away from the Organization with gusto!! We refuse to pretend we don t understand...WE DON T AGREE!

    I expect more to happen soon, they haven't let me down so far.

    xxx SC

  • Seeker4

    Good for you. You are certainly not alone. I've heard from several old JW friends who have packed it in recently.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    I did pretty much what you did, except that after I told the elders taht I didn't agree with the WTS anymore, they announced my DA 7 weeks later.

    They did me a great favor.. I'm happy I'm out! They don't bug me anymore!


  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Awakened, We feel that would be a relief too, the friends we hoped to keep don't call. Our lives are moving on ..Our eldest,however hates the stigma but we can't pretend even for him.
    xxc sc

  • treadnh2o

    I recall a thread about "burning people to death" LOL

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Not pretending is better! Be who you wish to be! Its easier on your mental state. Trying to live a pretend pro-JW life to create a pretense is definitely not healthy, although it may be the reality for many on this board.

    I prepared my family by telling them of my stance.... You could ask them "What-if" questions... "What will you do if we decide to stop being a JW?" "Will you shun your own parents?" "Do you think that you can 'honor your parents' if you shun them?" etc. Make them see that you wish to continue the relationship. If in the end they still want to shun you, that is an unfortunate consequence of the cult. On the other hand, it may actually wake them up.


  • WingCommander

    Good for you! You are damn lucky to not have to worry about family still in, etc. I am in a similar situation, as I was raised in the Truth, but never baptized. Both my parents passed away. The JW's couldn't give 2 shits about me. I might as well be dead to them as well. They are useless, and their cold-heartedness clearly shows through.

    By their Love you shall know them........

    - Wing Commander

  • Honesty


    The JANUARY 8, 1947 AWAKE! says the following on page 27:

    The authority for excommunication, they claim, is based on the teachings of Christ and the apostles as found in the following sciptures: Matthew 18:15-19; 1 Corinthians :3-5; 16:22; Galations 1:8,9; 1 Timothy 1:20; Titus 3:10. But the Heirarchy's excommunication as a punishment and "medicinal" remedy (Catholic Encyclopedia), finds no support in these scriptures. In fact, it is altogether foreign to Bible teachings. - Hebrews 10:26-31.

    The JANUARY 8, 1947 AWAKE! also says the following on page 27:

    Even the Druids had a method of expelling those who lost faith (apostasy) in their religious superstitions.It was therefore after Catholicism adopted its pagan practices, A.D. 325, that this new chapter in religious excommunication was written.

  • Quirky1

    Strawberry cake I am glad you made your stand!

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Honesty, those are great quotes!! Wow. Glad to see the link has actual scans, too!

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