JW's are the least tolerant and least open minded of all religions!

by Gill 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill


    I hope this link works!

    But JWs are the least open minded and least tolerant of all religions! You don't say!

  • WTWizard

    It doesn't take commentary to figure it out. When I compare the witlesses with other religions, it becomes blatantly obvious that they have zero tolerance of any ideas that are not their own. They bash people that are not in as "filthy, worldly pigs that are going to deservedly die soon" and refuse to do anything that would help them in practical ways. And they demand absolute belief in the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, even when it is blatant that they are wrong.

    Practically, they despise people that do not go in. Have you ever seen how they denounce charities that help worldly people? What about the USA For Africa record in 1985? I had to throw mine away because it promoted worldly charity. And, they mob coffee shops like cockroaches, usually "tipping(???)" the poor waitress with a waste of paper and a comment that they are all "incorrigible, wicked, filthy, evil pigs" just because they are not witlesses.

  • AgentSmith

    Witnesses ranked number one, with more than a 20 point lead over Mormons, as the religious group least likely to tolerate another point of view.

    Only 16% of Witnesses responded positively when asked if it was possible that “many religions can lead to eternal life.”

    16% of JW's interviewed are in serious trouble if the Borg finds them LOL.

    I suppose its not a suprising report, knew it for a while now. But still very interesting. Thanks for the link. Now if only I can find a way for my PO dad to read that report.....

  • hamilcarr

    We may conclude from the Pew surveys that the more you're convinced of God's existence, the higher the chance you're intolerant and narrow-minded.

  • lavendar
    Have you ever seen how they denounce charities that help worldly people?

    Yeah.......I once asked our JW relative-in-law what her religion does to help people in the community? Do they have food pantries, homeless shelters, free clothing closets, or meal preparations for the poor, etc? She replied, "we focus on the SPIRITUAL health of people, rather than the physical". (SPIRITUAL HEALTH?!? You mean as in false doctrines and out-in-out WRONG teachings?!)

    Let me tell you, my dear JW relative........if a starving-to-death person were asked to choose between a nice, big meal.....or a free home bible study........guess what? I bet he'd choose the big meal!! We need to take care of a person's PHYSICAL needs FIRST before anything else. Kinda hard to concentrate of a Bible study when your stomach in dissolving itself!!


  • CunningMan

    hamilcarr said:

    "We may conclude from the Pew surveys that the more you're convinced of God's existence, the higher the chance you're intolerant and narrow-minded."

    Actually, that's not a good inference from the data. For instance, look at the data on this link:


    If for instance, you look at the Catholic portrait, you'd see that 77% said "There is MORE than one true way to interpret the teachings of my religion" and 79% said "Many religions can lead to eternal life", although 72% are absolutely certain that God exists.

    So being convinced of God's existence, by itself, does not make it highly likely that you're intolerant and narrow-minded.

    One of the factors that are more likely to cause intolerance is rigid interpretation of religious teachings, not sincere belief, like the Witnesses' 77% saying "There is only ONE true way to interpret the teachings of my religion."

    Also, the pew studies clearly state that "most Americans have a non-dogmatic approach to faith. A majority of those who are affiliated with a religion, for instance, do not believe their religion is the only way to salvation. And almost the same number believes that there is more than one true way to interpret the teachings of their religion."


  • daniel-p

    CunningMan... good point. On a related note, the surveys you use might suggest that those who believe that God exists are tolerant of others who believe God exists. It would be a stretch to say that theists are tolerant of all, using those survey results.

  • CunningMan

    Good point. There should be studies on attitudes between theists, atheists, and agnostics. Still, I think the studies give a more optimistic picture of American religion. I think the often negative media coverage of religious intolerance is due to a vocal minority of nut-jobs.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    The issue of tolerance is an interesting aspect of the Watchtower organization. The Watchtower leadership does indeed promote a generous and liberal amount of tolerance . . . . . . for itself.

    Jehovah's Witnesses (at least those in good standing) demonstrate their theocratic worthiness and good spiritual health by highlighting every flaw and mistep in the churches of Christendom. The Awake magazine's "Watching the World" section is quick to seize upon unflattering news of another church; however trivial it might be in the larger scheme of things. Jehovah's Witnesses take jubilation in denouncing and rideculing other Christians.

    Yet, there is a bizarre alter-ego not only within individual JWs, but also in the collective organization. This other side of their personality is very swift to show an apologetic tolerance for any scandal, doctrinal flip-flop, or any unflattering aspect of the organization; including blatant false predictions. The organization and its members are very adept at performing a rhetorical tap-dance to justify, rationalize, and excuse any faults of the Watchtower.

    Therefore, JWs could argue that they are probably the most tolerant religious group in the world. I would tend to agree with them. If one is talking about tolerating the promotion of false expectations, false teachings, pharisaical legalism, arrogant elitism, mind control, and fantastical nonsense disguised as the Christian gospel; then I say hand them a trophy . . . . . they've earned it.

  • Rapunzel

    "The level of intensity fluctuates according to time and place, but it can be stated as a truth that religion does not, and in the long run cannot, be content with its own marvelous claims and sublime assurance. It must seek to interfere with the lives of nonbelievers, or heretics, or adherents of other faiths. It may speak about the bliss of the next world, but it wants power in this one. This is only to be expected. It is, after all, wholly man-made. And it does not have the confidence in its own preachings even to allow coexistence between different faiths." - Christopher Hitchens, god is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, page 17

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