80% of Americans think miracles occur and that angels & demons are active

by nvrgnbk 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr


  • aniron

    It seems that the reaction to that poll by some on here is not so much that so many people believe in such things.

    But that they find themselves in a minority in not believing.

    finding that 92 percent believe in God or a universal spirit -- including one in five of those who call themselves atheists.
    This calls into question the validity of the entire survey. It's obvious that either those being polled weren't taking the survey seriously or the setup is flawed.

    I've often come across atheists who do not profess any belief in any God or "Higher power".

    But quite easily believe that there are spirits, ghosts, life after death.

  • godadist
    ewoks, wookies.....

    Ewoks and Wookies are fake, only a deluded dimwit would believe in them.

  • hamilcarr
    Ewoks and Wookies are fake

    I need PROOF!

  • MissingLink

    That survey shows that Americans for the most part are not dogmatic about religion. But one group stands out. Can you spot it?

    Dogmatic JWs

  • MissingLink

    That survey also shows 21% of American athiests don't know what "athiest" means.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Miracles happen to other people.

  • jaguarbass

    Every week there is a new poll. And both sides seem to be able to take their polls and make their points to promote their agendas.

    Having said that.

    I will say that in my life, the people that I come across face to face, the majority believe in God.

    In fact God lives where I work, the county jail.

    I spend a lot of time talking to people in person and my curiosity causes me to probe delicately.

    In the past 5 years I have met 2 atheist.

    One a young man of about 23 who was the biggest bullshxter any one could ever meet.

    And the other a man of about 58, who is the most misserable sack of shxt to come down the pipe.

    Last night I was talking with an officer about the hard times we are in in America and I said prayer doesnt seem to help.

    He took exception he said it might not change the hard times we are in, but it helps us to keep our sanity and keep on trucking. He then said he was down to his last nickle and was blessed with some unexpected money in the mail yesterday. He believed it was a blessing from God. Both the money and his sanity.

    Higher education is against God and creation.

    Religion is for God and creation.

    And at certain points the lines blur.

  • undercover
    Ewoks and Wookies are fake, only a deluded dimwit would believe in them.

    yub yub

  • nvrgnbk

    A pity that she did not deem all those poor children trapped in prostitution rings in numerous places around the globe worthy of being prayed for.


    She probably feels that if they had said their prayers like good little boys and girls, they wouldn't find themselves in that predicament.

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