What Global Warming?

by metatron 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • godadist

    In my opinion, evidence of anthropogenic global warming is still to weak too be actionable on the scale that proponents envision. It would be utterly disruptive and incredibly expensive.

    We have evidence of planetary warming occurring on Pluto, Mars, Jupiter and Triton at the same time that we see a rise in temperature on earth. This would appear to indicate solar variation as the main source of warming.

  • SixofNine

    "I would tend to be careful about making far-reaching extremist conclusions, and foisting radical societal change on humanity on the basis of them."

    Then why are you in fact not at all careful about just that? For instance, you just said "and given the fact that there is not very much we can do to change the carbon cycle on earth anyway (without total disruption of society)". That's a far-reaching extremist conclusion. A) it's well documented that we have in a very short period of time done just that -"change(d) the carbon cycle on earth". And B) it's not at all hard to imagine very positive ways to change it in the opposite direction w/o total disruption of society. It may not be easy, but otoh, this bullshit about it costing too much is just silly, both because there is cost anyway, and because it is investment that HAS to be done anyway for many reasons.

    Choosing to not deal with the evidence for what looks to be catastrophic, that too is a far-reaching extremist conclusion.

    And I'll ask again: is there any possible level of human-added CO2 and/or methane and other atmospheric gasses that you, James Wood, would believe could be harmful to human life and welfare? If so, what is that level and how did you arrive at it, and if not, can you give me at least some clue as to why not?

    We're all excited, btw, about Nuclear Fusion... and many other technologies. But right now, you simply have FAITH in it. It doesn't take faith to speculate on what increases in human-added greenhouse gasses will do to disrupt society.

  • SixofNine
    "We have evidence of planetary warming occurring on Pluto, Mars, Jupiter and Triton at the same time that we see a rise in temperature on earth. This would appear to indicate solar variation as the main source of warming."

    This solar variation bullshit has been thoroughly debunked. I love that reasoning implicit in your post, though: "We can't be sure about global warming on earth, it's just too complex to know just what is going on. Oh, btw, we know exactly what is going on on planets in the solar system."

    Do you people ever, EVER use google?

  • metatron

    "12 months of data does not make a trend" Is that a year? Is it a year of net cooling? An "anomaly" of "magnitude" Does that recognize that in 2007 there was no net warming?



  • godadist


    Thank you for rephrasing and distorting my comment. I do not know exactly who "you people" are supposed to be, but that phrasing tends to suggest an extremely partisan mindset.

    Apparently you prefer not to engage in intellectually honest discussion. I will remember this in the future.

  • james_woods

    Do you people ever, EVER use google?

    Well, of course we do. It usually leads us first to Wikipedia, where all recorded human knowledge is rumored to be stored.

  • SixofNine

    Ok, metatron. I give up. In 2007 there was no net warming.

    Pack it up boys, the global warming deniers have won. El nino has saved us. Long live El nino!

  • SixofNine

    "I do not know exactly who "you people" are supposed to be, but that phrasing tends to suggest an extremely partisan mindset."

    By "you people", I mean people who post things that didn't have much scientific support in the first place,have since been debunked, and said debunking is easily found through research using tools such as google.

  • godadist
    By "you people", I mean people who post things that didn't have much scientific support in the first place,have since been debunked, and said debunking is easily found through research using tools such as google.

    I see.

    6, are you familiar with Milankovitch cycles and their effect on climate?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Pack it up boys, the global warming deniers have won. El nino has saved us. Long live El nino!

    I thought we were having La Nina this year?

    Can't remember for sure since I am a bear of very little brain . . . . . . .

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