by badboy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • dannyboy

    We had a MS stealing cash from contribution boxes, same MO as was done in many places, remove a portion of the cash before it was counted in front of another.

    Then we had a MS "prospect" whose "theocratic" career was cut short by embelzzing from his employer somewhere around $30,000 as I recall.


  • badboy


  • redredrose

    I've seen at least two instances.

    My mother lent an antique tablecloth each year for the Memorial. One year it came up missing afterward, and Mother said she would like it returned. They made announcements about the loss several times, and nobody ever coughed it up.

    Another time, a friend of mine went to the restroom and took off her 1 carat ring to wash her hands. She didn't remember til after the meeting and when she went back to get it she found it gone. She told the PO and again, a number of announcement were made asking that it be returned and again it never was.

    Really, JW's love to talk about their love for their brothers, but thats all it is, just talk.

  • IP_SEC

    Never that I ever knew about.

  • Simon

    We had an announcement once about a new vacum cleaner that was bought for hall cleaning:

    "It appears someone has borrowed the vacum cleaner brothers, could whoever took it please bring it back"

    I don't know if it was ever seen again.

    We also had a motion put before the congregation that the followed immediately backed and forwarded (i.e. passed the resolution) which was to make up for a small shortfall on the literature desk. One brother kept his hand up to ask a question for so long that eventually it became embarrassing that he was being ignored so eventually the elder gave him a chance:

    "You have rushed this through but you haven't told us how much money is involved ... brother", he said.

    It all went quiet and then there were a few gasps as it was revealed to be something like 150 GBP (and this was quite a few years ago when that was worth something).

    Apparently the KH got a free lot of literature every so many months so should really have been in credit.

  • asilentone

    yes, account servant in my former congregation took the money out of the contribution box at the KH here at the states for himself because he was broke and he was disfellowshipped for that, the last time I heard that he is in Jail in France.

  • loosie

    I went to a JW school. In 3rd grade my red coat was stolen. The next day I saw the little sister wear it school. I told the teacher and my mother. my mother went to the teacehr and told her that the little sister took my coat and we would like it back. The teacher told me that the little girl must have needed the coat more than I did. the coat was never returned. I guess it was ok for me to freeze my butt off in the winter.

  • The_TRUTH???

    did you realize that every congregation has many thieves in it. JW's steal the lives of their children by killing them by withholding blood.....and you guys are worried about a suit and a few dollars that was returned? Man o man get your priorities straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • wifekeepsmeinit

    I went to the P.Os garage sale once and I picked up some plants his wife was selling.

    So when I got home I was pretty excited as I just picked up 2 plants that were really expensive in the store, but bought them at the Garage sale for 15 bucks.

    Within 3 weeks both were dead. About a week after that we had dinner together and she says "Ive got a confession to make"

    those plants had some wierd cyst of them that was killing them, but she sold them to me anyways, she never offered to give me my money back.

    The Truth?????? - wow, you've made some interesting comments, mabey you should introduce yourself.

  • DaCheech

    I actually gotta fess up that 10 years ago I stole from the contribution box (i'm accounts servant)

    let me tell you the story:

    me, and the brother counted the money, and we counted about $220. we wrote it down and signed the sheet. when I went to do the deposit, seems like there were (2) $100 bills stuck in there too.

    I pocketed the unaccounted money.

    I'm confessing! forgive me

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