MY LETTER of disassociation from JWD

by journey-on 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • xslave

    Hello jgnat ,please don't be alarmed I've just got a wicked streak ,I have been looking at this site from time to time keeping up to date on things and the subject post seemed sad to me and a bit surprising considering the person has so many posts on this site ,and then something big must have happenened. I hope I can contribute something ....and nice to meet you

  • ozziepost

    Don't go welcoming him! He's from downunder - ya know what bastards they are!

  • xslave

    Hello jgnat ,please don't be alarmed I've just got a wicked streak ,I have been looking at this site from time to time keeping up to date on things and the subject post seemed sad to me and a bit surprising considering the person has so many posts on this site ,and then something big must have happenened. I hope I can contribute something ....and nice to meet you

  • xslave

    poo I hit the damn button twice ,sorry

  • ozziepost


  • jehovahsheep

    i dont understand your transition from wts to jwd.randy,could we have a rebuttal to this?it seems you left a iot out.this forum allows a lot of freedom.

  • exjdub

    I will also miss Burn The Ships, although I disagreed with him on just about every post he made in connection with politics and religion/christianity. I hope that this can be resolved so that he is in a postion to return to JWD (if he wants to) and I would also like to see Journey On stay as well, if possible. I hate to lose good people because of disagreements like this.

    I have been a member of JWD for 4 years and have seen a lot of posters come and go. I rarely post anymore, however I do lurk a lot and have seen Simon take similar stances in connection with politics over the last few years (and a couple of rough bouts with Sirona over some of her general views). Although I have not always understood why an action was taken, I have tried to understand it. Simon has been critical of the USA, with good reason many times, and has an interest in USA politics, both of which have put him at odds with the "USA always right no matter what" crowd. I have no problem with that and have respected his views and really understood where he was coming from. I had to agree when Yeru was deleted a few years ago as he was an ass, was abusive to a ridiculous degree, and showed very little intelligence. I don't see the same in BTS, but maybe I missed a few posts. I am not sure I understand where the disconnect is, or why Simon feels so strongly about BTS, however I wish this could be resolved as it is nice to have different viewpoints and experiences on the forum even when those viewpoints are completely opposite of mine.


  • Simon

    Truly pathetic and I think belittling what happened to your brother and others who suffer the hurt of being disfellowshipped. You are just being asked to keep to simple rules on an internet forum - how dare you even compare the two.

  • trevor

    I have removed my post.

    It is a waste of time posting on a thread that is locked

  • Simon

    end of pity party. Stay or go, just stop whining.

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