For my Birthday = I will break 10 of Jehovahs Laws in one day! Ideas?

by Witness 007 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • chrisjoel

    Get a blood transfusion...just kidding just kidding....Go give blood to the red cross.

  • lrkr

    PS- Dont smoke the cigar and give blood too close to each other. Not a moral directive, just a little common sense.

    PSS- I like to do both. I try to do them on separate days, though.

  • candela

    Register to vote

  • NewYork44M

    10, Sing happy birthday

  • kzjw

    1.Smoke an Expensive cigar, and a joint!

    2.Go Gambling.

    3.Get Drunk.

    4.Gluttony.(Skip this one - it's a legitimate sin, not just a Jehovah thing) 4.Register to vote, then do it in November!

    5.Join the U.N or political group.

    6. Have a Karate lesson.

    7. Pray at the Catholic church....get blessed by a Bhudist Monk. (Try a progressive Baptist church- you coul then "Jam for Jesus")

    8.Watch Porn.

    9.Masturbate hhrmmmm sorry I have to do it! (Have oral sex -- hell, I'm sure you've already masturbated!)

    10.Feed someone actual food at anytime? (maybe someone in need you run across?)

    Happy Birthday

  • VoidEater

    Eat some shrimp.
    Cook some stroganoff.
    Have sex with your wife (if your married) or another lady while she's having "that time of the month".
    Light a bull carcass on fire in your backyard altar - but only if you wear glasses.
    Trim your sideburns.
    Touch a dead pig.
    Wear something with a cotton/polyester blend - just about any white T-shirt should do.

    Or, follow some commands:

    Light a bull carcass on fire in your backyard altar - if you don't wear glasses.
    Sell a daughter into slavery.
    Buy a foreigner as a slave.

    Either way, have a great Birthday!

  • momzcrazy
    Have sex with your wife (if your married) or another lady while she's having "that time of the month".

    Eww! And why would he want to do that???

  • Quirky1

    You gotta nice list worked up.

    Just have fun doing them!

  • hillbilly

    Eat shellfish. If god is lucky you will get some stale shelfish and he can smite you


  • brinjen

    Make a dartboard out of a picture of Ted's face.

    Make a few posts on this board.

    Play chess with a fellow apostate (two in one there).

    Read CoC.

    Place a few bets at the TAB.

    Write to your local Member of Parliment about an issue that burns you (may I suggest cults? another two in one).

    Smoke a cigar.

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