Guided by Delusions of Granduer 2009 District Convention program

by Not Feeling It 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AnnOMaly
    11:40 Baptized “in the Name of…the Holy Spirit”

    Hmm. I remember one speaker years ago telling the baptismal candidates that they were not getting baptized into an organization (it must have been said in reaction to the criticisms about the 2nd question on the internet). So I'd love to see the outline to that one.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    you should upload the pdf!!!

    Hey Drew,

    Sorry for the late reply. I don't read here every day. It basically was pages of blank lines for your thoughtful notes on each part. Not worth the time to upload. But here's an interpretation by me:


    Some Lame Talk








    Seen enough?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Assembly program for 2009? So I guess they're writing off the possibility that the Big A will not prove an inconvenience in 2008.....

  • blondie

    Actually in some areas the DC is in the winter of 2009 which is why the DC Program usually says 2008-2009.

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