Have you ever gone to a meeting/convention with a Buzz to your noggin'?

by passive suicide 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    Under the right circumstances....sitting on the front row dead center.....I think I could projectile vomit clear over the speaker stand....bullseye.......oompa

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    My mum told me I smelled boozy at the meeting.....damn 5-7pm Sunday meetings, so inconvienient!

  • WTWizard

    How about just not enough sleep? The very first Big Boasting Session, I had to work the night before. Then I went to the wastefest. Then I had to work the next night. And then there was a regular boasting session the next day, with more work that evening.

    Typically, I would end up working all night most Saturdays. Then I had to go to the boasting session, and then work the next evening. That lasted almost a year before I got another job. Always something to keep me from settling into a routine--they would keep changing things, and demanding more hours of field circus in the process.

    Not quite the same as being drunk or doing weed, but it did have a similar effect.

  • witnessgirl

    I've gone to weekday meetings high on pot more times than I can count. There were at least a few where I downed a few beers first and the girl I was getting a ride with made me eat a breath mint before we got there. (These incidents would have been during the 2-3 years I was on my way out--nearly every meeting I attended during that period was on something.)

    Here's the real kicker, though: I used to go to Sunday meetings on LSD. I'm not joking at all. I did this every Sunday for at least six months. Nobody ever noticed or said anything. Listening to talks about the end of the world while you're on acid is amazing. I probably would have quit going much earlier if I hadn't been doing this.

    I noticed that painkillers work wonders for field service. They kept me warm and made me want to talk.

    There was an article in the Watchtower or Awake! years ago about a guy who was a heavy pot smoker who started studying with the Witnesses and thought that it would be a good idea to smoke pot and read the Bible, pot being conducive to "deep thoughts". The article claimed that he quickly discovered that pot interfered with his ability to study the Bible and so he stopped smoking it altogether. This was about the same time that I started realizing how many of those articles are simply made up.

  • Hope4Others

    When you have to get the courage up to go by using outside help...(drugs..alcohol)

    it might be best to call it a day.....



  • treadnh2o

    I already posted this once- but once gave a 5 p.m. Public talk Drunk off my a**- I was on the golf course all day and really didn't care. The rest of the details are a little fuzzy-I am ashamed that I drove to the KH -not that I gave the talk

  • JK666


    Funny you should mention a flask. That reminds me of an interesting District Convention story . . .

    I was suffering through another boring afternoon session, and I decided to slide out to the parking lot to take a snort or two out of the flask in my car. I was a little self conscious going out, afraid that someone would see me. So I slide into the driver's seat and take a big gulp of vodka. I then look around, hoping that know one saw what I had done. A few cars away, I saw an ex-Bethelite elder in his car doing the exact same thing. The second swig didn't bother me then.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I've done the hungover DC a few times. Also used to get high before hall builds which was always fun!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, I went to a meeting about three years ago completely hung over. It was awful. I did it because I thought Jehovah might be thinking that it was my fault and I should just go anyway.

  • Alexia

    Several times in high school.

    I was the “quiet type” so no one suspected. I would hang out with some friends occasionally and try weed and/or booze before coming home from school. I would just shower, do my hair, makeup, eat dinner and get ready for the meeting as usual (usually the school and service meetings). I was not sloppy or excessive so no one noticed anything. I know I wasn’t the only one. I knew of an elder that would come slighted toasted every now and then and a few of the folks in my age group regularly got high before the School and Service Meetings because it was easier on the weekdays than the Sunday meetings.

    Also, on our bowling nights (Saturday before the Sunday talks) we would hit the bar at the alley where they didnt check ID, and stay out until 3:00AM (parents were cool with us staying out late because we were with "friends".) The next mornings we always fun - especially when we had to get up for 9:30 meetings.

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