Wash your mouth out with soap

by keyser soze 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty


    That was the fave for my cult induced misguided mom.


    I still get nauseous every time I pass by the laundry aisle at Kroger.

    Maybe that's why I have all my laundry done by hired help.

  • WTWizard

    I only got it for swearing. I have never heard of washing one's mouth out with soap for lying, backtalk, or other non-dirty but insulting talk. However, such would lead to other punishments including a slap in the face.

  • JimmyPage

    Oh hell yeah Momma did it to me. There's not enough soap in the world for my potty mouth these days!

  • Dismembered

    Another example of how parents make sappy disciplinary decisions at times. What a kook.


  • Prefect

    Yes I had done to me also. Not for swearing but telling lies. I was also told lies

  • lisavegas420

    I kinda remember it..but I must have been really young, because I don't remember what it was for.

    I do remember certain words that could get you knocked across the room..included were..."fuck" which was only used once when asking what it meant. "Punk" and "Fart" ...was considerered just as bad as the 'f' work, getting you the same punishment,

    also...having the same meaning and same punishment, was putting your thumb on your nose and wiggling your fingers.


  • Prefect

    Sorry hit the wrong key. Start again. I also had my mouth washed out with soap. Not for swearing but for telling lies. I also was told that lies lead to loss of life. My younger brother kept on stealing my sweets (candy) so once I took a soft centre chocolate cut the end off and hollowed it out. I then filled it with soap. fitted the end back on with some melted chocolate. When offering it to him he immediately snatched and ate it. He ran to my mother crying telling what I had done. I then got my mouth washed out with soap. How do you like it I was asked? I also got a beating. That was a long time ago. Oh happy days.

  • Gopher

    Not once above did I see anyone say, "Gee that adult who pushed soap in my mouth was an adorable and wise person for having done so. I'm a better person because of my soap-in-mouth experience."

    Instead of teaching a positive life lesson, the soap-in-mouth treatment teaches you to fear or dislike the punisher.

  • Finally-Free
    I only got it for swearing. I have never heard of washing one's mouth out with soap for lying, backtalk, or other non-dirty but insulting talk. However, such would lead to other punishments including a slap in the face.

    Yes, I had plenty of slaps in the face as well as beatings with belts shoes, wooden spoons, and once a tennis racket. Some kicking too. Some people shouldn't be allowed to be parents. W

  • BFD

    All the time. I was born with a potty mouth. All the soap in the world didn't help.

    I used to like to play with matches, too. I still don't know why my mom washed my mouth out with soap when I burned down the woods. It was an accident, really. I just wanted to toast some marshmallows. The fire got a little out of hand. I was only 4 when that happened. Thank God no one was hurt 'cept maybe a few field mice.


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