2/3 of all JW's are women and what it implies

by Mindchild 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree

    First, OldHippie.

    Do YOUR OWN research. Click on the provided link and find out WHERE 2/3 of JW's are females. (It's not that hard.)

    Second, I agree with Tina (although not in such erudite and technical terms!). I think many women are looking for protection and a way to keep themselves and their children safe in the world. Whether it is Jehovah and/or the patriarchal elders who provide that protection, it is a cozy and reassuring feeling to think that if you just follow the rules, all will turn out okay in the end.

    Among JWs there is an expected mode of behavior. If you take on your assigned role, there is a good likelihood of organizational success. Yes, even for lowly women! WE got stroked for our humble spirit and willingness to give, while the GUYS got stroked for being spiritual and willingness to lead.

    Among JWs you are supposedly surrounded by benevolent, honest-hearted people. Who wouldn't want to associate with suchlike ones? Who wouldn't want that for a role-model for her children? Who wouldn't like to think that what she was sacrificing would assure both herself and her children everlasting life in paradise? And a moral social network NOW? Where else would you be able to run to an authority figure and have that figure (as desired) AUTHORITATIVELY tell you what you need to do? And all of it spiritually correct so that you have the inner validation of being a GOOD person, RIGHT with God?

    These women tend to marry or to have been married to males who are also the Protector/Caretaker type. Men who have a narrowly defined concept of what a wife/mother is supposed to be and their role in the household. Which concept is, of course, conservatively partriarchial, dovetailing nicely with the JW religion which reinforces the 'rightness' of their role in the marriage.

    Or else, they have married wimps or abusers who are the antithesis of the Protector/Caretaker. Husbands who have the women feeling so insecure that the Watch Tower relgion is a refuge for them, providing them with the stability and answers they need to cope with everyday life. It becomes a respite from the absolute craziness or desperateness that their lives have evidenced. Only within Jehovah's 'loving organization' can they feel 'safe'.

    So Tina, to my mind, is also correct when she remarks that JW women abdicate their personal power. They do so willingly, IMO. And when they get to the point that they tire of that loss of personal power, they finally get up and leave.

    At great cost.

    Because women DO form emotionally intimate relationships more often than men, and breaking the ties that bind is an enormous emotional burden.

    Sometimes, though, one just has to admit to having been woefully, stupidly WRONG, and carry on from there.

    Still livin' in 'Heartbreak Hotel',


    In dealing with fear, the way out is in -- Sheldon Kopp

  • Makena1

    Garybuss wrote: Openness to religious thought requires magical thinking. It seems to me more males than females tend to evolve to rational objective thought. With the loss of the ability to engage in magical thinking, religion is an unacceptable concept and the rational person moves toward reality"

    Wow - that pretty much sums up how I felt when I was "in", and why and how I got out. Profound stuff? Your words Gary? Or if its from a book - if so I would like to read it.


  • Tina

    Thanks hun!! You said it much better than I did. And expanded on it beautifully!! luv/hugs.Tina-laconic Class lol.

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • waiting

    So many good explanations - not just for jw women - but why women traditionally have turned in droves to religion for a number of reasons.

    Look at the Catholic church - predominately women. Throughout history, women are the ones at church, asking the priest what to do. They were the ones getting their husbands & kids to church.

    It would appear that the majority of women, throughout history, are looking for stability, answers, protection, blessings, social structure, a saving grace from a cruel world for themselves and their children - and perhaps their husbands. And churches offer them all these things, whether in truth or fantasy.

    It's not just jw women - it's women in general. And I agree with the others - women are used to the tradional role of being in 2nd place, if not in subjection, to men. It's what they know.

    One thing, however, when a new person comes into the organization - a lot of them have only studied a short time, and don't really know the politics involved, let alone the power structure. Once they're in, it closes in slowly, enveloping the person without the person being fully aware of what's happening. I don't think all women give up "their personal power" knowingly - at least not on a conscious level. It happens, but with a growth more like cancer. It eats away at the person, long before the person has pain.


    ps: Nice picture, Tina. Very becoming.

  • one

    Partially because from the star men know that the will have to :

    1. give up smoking

    2. ocasional sex out of marriage, as single or already marired, a long time (man) tradition. Ask Clinton

    3. drinking at the bar when bored at home

    4..selling mag/ preaching, hell no

    5 no bad words in his vocabulary,
    how people are going to know i am a man in charge?, danm it

    an so on

  • alliwannadoislive

    nah - i reckon it's too comfy for ladies in the kh ...

    they dun have to prepare and deliver talks (except mini soap operas)

    they dun have to be reader at the watchtower study ... or the book study

    they dun have to take the mic and stand over sweat infested bodies struggling to string together a coherant sentence in reply to the inane questions in the publications

    and this is the biggie - they dun have to ever say a blessing at any of the meets - i woulda done anything to avoid it - used to gently disturb one of the children so's i could go outside and not be available at the opportune time ...

  • garybuss

    Hi Makena1

    My words. The book is coming . . .

    Have a great week


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