2/3 of all JW's are women and what it implies

by Mindchild 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    A few weeks back, Kinsman posted a link about a recent survey of religion in America which showed that 68% of all Jehovah's Witnesses were female, which is the highest ratio of women to men in any religion in the USA.

    I believe the reason for this unbalance in adherents in favor of women comes down to two fundamental reasons. The first is shunning and the second is the appeal of the "family type atmosphere" that the Witnesses pretend to offer.

    We all know the power of shunning keeps a lot of people trapped inside the collective, and just due to the fact that women are enculturated more with having emotional bonds with others, makes it a bit tougher to leave family and friends behind. This doesn't mean that men don't suffer emotionally, but the general trend is more for men to suppress their feelings and damn the emotional torpedoes and go full speed ahead out of the bad dream.

    This suggests to me, that if there is a major modification of the shunning policy, the largest exodus will be in the female ranks. Can you think of other reasons why women stay in longer than men or do you think it is just a case of more women being attracted in the first place to the JW ideology?

    A further thought I had is that if there is a big drop in the number of women in the congregations, especially younger women of marriageable age, the JW guys won't have such a large buffet of babes to drool over and some of them might likewise be looking outside the nest for chickies.

    The link to the orignal article can be found at:
    . http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/011025/nyth023_1.html

    And oh yes, more J-dubs in California than any place else. If the dam breaks and all the hot and horny JW babes come rushing out...it will be fun to watch how many ex-dub men suddenly find an interest in moving to the sunny state. LOL!


  • Prisca

    Could it also be because women in general are more interested in spiritual/religious matters than men?

  • TR

    Could it mean that women are more gullible than men?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Marilyn

    Given that the religion is absolute crap, one has to wonder if women are more stupid than men? Geez someone has to say the bleedin' obvious!!! I'd like to say that traditionally women have been home (contacted at the door) more than men, but we can't use that excuse any longer. Maybe women are more suggestable than men. Maybe PMS has made them more desperate for a new world where PMS will be no more! It's a damned scary statistic! :-(


  • Wounded Heart
    Wounded Heart

    i wonder if it has to do with the "package" they sell. when i was in it seemed alot of the new ones coming into our cong were either single moms or women with abuse history, for 2 examples. single moms might feel guilty to take away any "father" figure or displine type set up by leaving the borg. and people with history of abuse in there background often have trouble breaking free from abusive relationships such as the abusive relationship within the congregation/organization.

    just my experience. it certainly seemed that alot of our "new ones" coming into the organization were like those i mention above. i mean no offence to anyone.

    Wounded Heart

    Love by giving to & accepting others unconditionally = true, pure love

    "When in doubt, do the loving thing." ~ 8yr old "Pirate"

  • JanH

    At first glance, one should assume that people join a religion that offers them advantages. But in fact, women join even religions that oppress them in much larger numbers than men.

    It is a fact known for some time among sociologers of religion that women are much more likely to join new (and not-so-new) religions than men. Men are typically what is called secondary conversions (in short, he joins because his wife joined).

    I think the most obvious reason is that converts rarely answer positively to "cold calls" (aka JW or Mormon door-knocking). It is usually friends, relatives, workmates who convert one into a new religion. The spread of a new religion follows existing social networks.

    Perhaps women use their social networks to a much higher degree to discuss their social and religious beliefs? Men, on the other hand, use their social networks to discuss important issues like cars, beer, sports, work and sex. When men are recruited by a new religion, they typically do so tailing their wives. So much for men being smarter.

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    What it REALLY means is there are a whole load of women in there going without regular carnal satisfaction.
    Thats it...Im goin back..

  • professor

    I don't think it really matters why there are more women then men. Perhaps there are that many more domineering men trying to force them into submission. This statistic means absolutely nothing by me.

  • Simon

    It wouldn't account for all the numbers but the JWs to break up an aweful lot of families and the women keep going while the men say 'sod this'...

    Just mentally going through my old congregation there were probably about 10 marriages that had failed (no, surely JWs have the happies marriages, LOL).

    Perhaps its the control that the elders etc... have?

    I don't mean this in a bad way, but women are easier to 'control' maybe? Especially after being brought up to 'be in subjection'... I think it would be eaiser for a guy to leave than a girl too.

  • gambler

    Wow, two thirds that alot.I too often wondered why there were more women in the congragations.I think more men are able to just chuck everything and walk away than women.I think the women are alot more emotionaly envolved making the fear and guilt factor harder to break free from.I think men tend to be slightly better analitical and critical thinkers whitch is disaster for the wtbts. sorry to streotype

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