No school for you: confirmation of CO outline on education

by raindog 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daniel-p

    Back on topic... I have a letter written to me from the Writing Department stating that "there is nothing wrong in bettering ones' financial situation" by going to college. (Maybe I'll get around to scanning it in.) The double-speak never ceases to amaze me.

  • Finally-Free

    I've never seen people as eager to embrace ignorance as JWs.

    I feel like making bumper stickers and putting them on JW cars at the convention.

    "God lubs me cuz im stupit."


  • dogon

    I am 45 and semi retired. I was told that people who go to college were just people who wanted to drink and have sex. I was tought to look down on higher education. I feel much regret for all the stupidity I bought into.

    I am now getting redy to go to college partly for self fulfillment and the other part to jab the society even if only in my own mind.

    The damage that these people do is very great, We must all fight against the JWs at every chance, tell anyone who will listen that they are toxic people and to keep any one they care about away from the JWs.

  • 10p

    Man, oh man.

    If this is really true ... I think its a lot bigger than any other changes so far. Dropping the bookstudies was a GOOD, LOVING thing from the GB (in the eyes of Joe publisher). But this is just cult-like, and the publishers see it that way too.

    Spoke to my wife about it. She was dumbstruck. She always defends what they say, but this time... At first she started saying "oh they've never said you CANT go to university, just not to live on campus and to be careful etc etc." When I told her that it was made black and white to the elders in a secret meeting with the CO (all those friday night elders meetings with the CO are top secret. They lock the flippin door to the kinddom hall !!) she actually went a little white. And she didn't go to the meeting today, and chose to play computer games instead. No explanation, she just didn't go. And I didn't ask why. I can only hope its because she's in that in-between place we all go when we first start to see the light. Pray to the non-existent gods for me on this one! *chuckle*

    I know most of the elders in my congo are pro education. In fact, probably most in the city. This methinks will be like a mortar bomb in the western congregations. I really and truly think this could be their biggest mistake ever. I know this will really cut to the core and start some serious doubts in a number of educated and pro-education elders I know personally. One elder's wife I know quite well wanted to go back to school to renew her nursing qualification ... now I wonder if that will be allowed?

    Like blood, the trouble with education is in the definition - as others have said, is high school 'education'? What if you are so slow to learn that you spend 4 years in study for a 1-year diploma? what if... what if ... what if ... ?

    My sons are going to get as much of an education as they want. Thankfully I woke up before we decided to home-school them. Home schooled kids are so out of touch with reality.

  • Carlos_Helms

    "Back on topic... I have a letter written to me from the Writing Department stating that "there is nothing wrong in bettering ones' financial situation" by going to college. (Maybe I'll get around to scanning it in.) The double-speak never ceases to amaze me."

    Now that presents an interesting dilemma, Daniel.

    There's little doubt that the latest directive on education has come from under the auspices of the Service Department, under the tutelage of one Ted Jaracz. I've always sensed a certain "tension" between two of the primary WT departments ("Legal" has to be the new #1).



  • Bangalore



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