My Sister Finally Called Me... After My JW Brother Completely Told Her Off

by cognac 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    awwww, thanks everyone! It's such a relief that this is finally been dealt with... I'm still shocked that my brother stood up to her like that!

    Maybe I missed something in your posts, what is the status of your brother?

    He's just a JW. He wanted to be a pioneer this past September but was for some reason wasn't approved...

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I've been really concerned about you. I'm glad you were able to give a really good update. I'm thinking of following your path to letting the family know that because of circumstances, the truth is just not good for me. I can't talk about it with them. You are so far beyond the point that I'm at right now. You seem to be so strong. I envy you.

  • Forscher


    Right now I am in a situation where a young man I raised and my in-laws are going around lying about me to others in my wife's family to isolate me from the rest of the family. And they are Dubs. They are also doing more. And this started long before I became inactive. It's getting to the point that I can't trust them alone with my wife.


  • cognac

    Wow, thanks White Dove.

    Not sure if I'm strong - I mean, I morned this the entire time as if they had died. It really broke my heart beyond belief. It was unbearable for my heart. I hurt so much that I couldn't even come to this forum - I couldn't deal with anything at all whatsoever. I just hid in my little cave to deal with this the only way I know how.

    I just got lucky that it turned out this way cause my brother happened to stick up for me. I really didn't expect it to turn out the way that it did...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That is precisely why I can't come out and say anything. I'm scared sh!tless of my family dropping me out of their existence. Chicken little has nothing on me. I'm more chicken-er. I'm a pathetic wimp.

    The only family member brave (or stupid) enough to "reject" Jehovah publically with the family happened to reject our whole family, too. He's an idiot for burning his bridges. I suppose that I would be OK because the only people at all to shun my df'd grandmother was her own daughter (who turned her in). I guess shunning doesn't really run in my family, but the harrassing sure does. Looking down their noses at others who are different does, too.

    I sure admire your bravery and gumption.

  • dogisgod

    C, This is a breakthrough. A realization that maybe the borg doesn't do people right. Families ebb and flow. Going into your cave isn't a bad thing. I hunker down when things get out of hand. I still function like working and yard stuff but I just stay out of the storm. Too much energy taken from it.

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