Do not drink the kool-aid! A christian writer links Oprah / Obama & Occult.

by LouBelle 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • S3RAPH1M

    Baaah, baaaaah, the sheeple pick their shepherds, the cult of personality is a popular one.

  • Satanus

    I think opra does have a following, of sorts. Why not call them oprites? Winfrites?

    But seriously, it's so true that fundy christians are a lot like jws in their one pathedness, and anything other than their way is satanic, occult, demonic, darkness. Oh well. We satanusts don't mind;)


  • kurtbethel

    When trying to understand the cult of Oprah, it is helpful to ask what is going on in her life. She has a relationship with this guy, Steadman. It is on again, off again, sometimes they are engaged, sometimes not, other times he is dipping into another pot. So I wonder, many women look to Oprah for guidance on their life, as she is some kind of life coach for them. What are they learning from all this? Oprah as role model is a dubious prospect. Then there is Dr. Phil. He has this format where he tidies up a situation in a one hour show, usually they cast the guy as a jerk, and Dr. Phil spews sage wisdom and it gets fixed. This is all like bizarre trailer park craziness and it sells for big bucks! These people and this industry that mold popular culture are very well compensated for their services. It causes me to wonder who values that service enough to pay that much, and what their agenda is all about. As to Ms. Carrington, I do not know anything about her background or motives. I can not discern if she is giving us a concerned warning or if she is just sniping to horn in on market share. In any case, being warned about accepting these hucksters without critical thinking is in order.

  • DonutsToGo

    Jesus said,

    "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." - John 14:6

    So if a disciple of Christ believes these words they would have trouble accepting a teaching that there are "many paths to God". For the Christian, there is only one path, one way - Jesus.

    Oprah is a promiment promoter of a blended new-age/christian spirituality. Oprah & Friends, has featured the book, "A Course In Miracles", which some New Agers accept as sacred scripture. The book was scribed through "automatic-writing" and "inner dictation", with the writer believing that she was channeling the words of a Universal Jesus. The book has themes that come from both the Bible and New Age teachings. Many Christians, therefore, would consider both the book and Oprah to be occultic in nature.

  • zagor

    Yup, and wouldn't you know an alien Messiah (I meant Mexican) is going to be sitting at her left side in her new kingdom.

    I think some people there are in serious need of a psychiatrist

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