Do not drink the kool-aid! A christian writer links Oprah / Obama & Occult.

by LouBelle 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I was sent an email by a collegue with "Do Not Drink The Kool-Aid" as the subject heading. It was a pdf file of a non - fiction book written by Carrington Steele - some big time uber christian. She links the following: Oprah, Obama & The Occult.

    The reasons for her writing this book:

    * To glorify the Lord Jesus Christ

    * Oprah said to be the most powerful women in the world is in the process of advising the masses that there are many spiritual paths

    * To offer help to pastors who can then help their congregations

    * To expose the truth

    * The end times are close

    * Are there any who will stand.

    There are chapters dedicated to a number of high profile people like Obama, Oprah & Eckhart Tolle along with a couple of authors. Miss/Mrs Steele then goes on to say about Eckhart Tolles' book a New Earth "We've saved the worst for's like clutching the Satanic Bible"

    I honestly haven't read all of it yet - if anyone has and has comments please post. If you would like a copy of the pdf file PM me and I'll send it to you - it's going to make an interesting read.

    By initial reaction was - another christian saying their way is right and all other spiritual paths are condemed - it honestly sickens me that christians think they have the answer - it doesn't make them any different to the JWs in my eyes, most of them just sit there in their chairs listening to another preachers so called revelation. - Please don't be offended if you are a christian - I believe in christ too, I'm just not your mainstream typical christian.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I just saw this on Youtube {Oprah Jesus} today! On the show an audience member says she "believes in Jesus" ...Oprah questions that "there are many paths." At this time half the audience turned on Oprah!....weird.

    There is a christian group that is saying that Oprah has started her own "new age" religion. Like Oprah's Witnesses!

  • dinah

    There is a christian group that is saying that Oprah has started her own "new age" religion. Like Oprah's Witnesses!

    Oh lord, what would Oprah's Witnesses do? Understand you to death?

    Lou, this guys sounds like just another fanatic to me.

  • BurnTheShips

    I think maybe my wife has drunk the Oprah koolaid now that she has left the dubs.

    Nature abhors a vacuum.


  • Priest73

    "Nature abhors a vacuum."

    But Women love to vacuum right?

    ****Ducks and runs away****

  • dinah

    Cute, Padre.

  • Priest73

    c'mon, you know I'm kidding.

  • dinah

    Of course I know. You actually got a chuckle.

  • dinah

    Just spent some quality time with my vacuum. You can travel faster on them, too. Brooms take forever to get where you're going.

    So, since I'm finished cleaning for the day, do I dare watch Oprah or vote for Obama? Or will the demunz get me?

  • booby

    maybe check this link to see what that writer has done to write "her book"

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