god's organization...

by kzjw 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kzjw

    Is that term blaphemy, or is it idolotry? If I'm an UBM, but know that "though shall have no other gods before Me" I am spiritually wndangering myself? My mate tries to defuse this debate by saying the organization exists in the form of angels, but were she to spew that bs to an elder, I'm sure she'd get some serious counselling. I say this to say that I'm not sure I'll return to sunday talks after she returns from the DC, I just have a hell of a lot of trouble with that "channel of communication" thing, & I know that one day I'm gonna make a scene.

    Your thoughts?

  • Honesty

    That "God's organization" stuff is BS designed to inflate the egos of a bunch of deceived people.

  • Robert7

    This very much was the big issue I had. They keep talking about avoid idolatry, and once defined it as spending excessive time, energy, resources, etc on something, it is like you are worshipping it. They used Sports as an example. By watching too much sports, devoting too much time to it, it was like sports was your idol.

    So to me, when I hear the "FDS", "The Society", "God's Organization", mentioned MORE than anything else in meetings including prayers, it surely felt like the Organization was being worshipped.

    So trust your gut here. They won't admit it, but the Society wants to be idolized.

  • DNCall

    Fundamentally it's a fallacy because God doesn't have or need an earthly organization. When devotion is directed to the organization, it's idolatry. When the organization gives false direction in God's name, as it has, it rises to the level of blasphemy.

  • garybuss

    How is "God's organization" differentiated from "God's kingdom"? And how are the two objectively defined?

  • logic&reason

    "What need does God have for a Starship?" - Captain Kirk

    It's a bogus concept, really... like God is sitting around a conference table with some angels and says: "Look here fellas... I need to form an 'organization' to get some things done. My unlimited cosmic power just isn't cuttng it anymore."

  • OpenFireGlass

    yeah... i love to tout my mother with, "where in the bible does it talk about gods organization on earth?" and "can you use your Reasoning book to find it in the bible?" but of course she's to brainwashed to figure it out....

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    The JW concept of the "Spirit-directed Organization" was one of the most troubling and perplexing problems which eventually led me to begin in-depth research. The organization is sold as an essential institution through which all people must gain salvation and even carry out their baptism. I simply saw no Scriptural foundation for this.

    This concept tends to overwrite the New Testament's focus on the Holy Spirit. The Watchtower organization has appointed and sold itself as a form of indispensible "transmitter" through which the Holy Spirit is transmitted to Christians. No contact with the organization means no Holy Spirit. This concept is foreign to the Scriptures as it relates to Christians. The NT continually states that Christ is the one and only mediator. There is never any provision through which any earthly institution (organization) or group of people (144,000 / Governing Body) can share in that mediator role.

    What also really troubled me was that the Watchtower requires baptismal candidates to verbally acknowledge being baptized into an organization before they can qualify for immersion. There is absolutely no Scriptural justification for this. First century Christians were never baptized "into" or as "members" of any particular congregation or the congregation doing the baptizing.

    The other aspect that is so troubling about all of this is that the JW organization is proclaimed as the "ark of salvation" through which people must survive Armageddon. Nowhere in Scripture is there any indication that Jesus or the Apostles believed in this concept. The whole underpinning of one's salvation rested upon relationship with Christ. Nowhere was there any indication that one must be saved through a congregation or a collective group. Jesus' parable of the wheat intermixed with the weeds makes this clear. If Christ was talking about one true organization, he would have most likely used another parable or stated that there would only be one single stalk of wheat among the weeds.

  • Perry

    I heard my mother and father use the term "God's Organization" so many times that it just made me insane (and still does) that they could so easily worship a human organization while at the same time rejecting Jesus' sacrifice for them. There is something deeply filthy about worshipping and sucking up to other humans. It just stinks.

  • LouBelle

    Is that phrase in the bible or only in WT based literature?

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