How do we know that humans have been around for more than 6000 years?

by inkling 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hillary_step


    When I deem the "evidence" as incontrovertible, then I will politely remove myself without further ado.

    When you deem that the earth is not flat, then that makes it so?

    In my noted experience, delusions of grandeur are often tied in with religious certainty, and your comment is a perfect example of such a delusion.


  • snowbird

    HS, that's why we have a mind of our own.

    Isn't life grand?


  • sir82

    So, in every case where scientific findings contradict the Bible, science is always wrong?

    Not at all.

    So, according to your answer, in some cases where scientific findings contradict the bible, the scientific findings are true? And the Bible is wrong?

    How pray tell do you know when to believe the scientists and when to believe the Bible?

    Not trying to give you a hard time, just trying to understand. So far your position seems highly inconsistent.

  • james_woods

    Here is a quotation from an excellent book on this subject - "Aeons - the search for the beginning of time" by Martin Gorst:

    "Sometimes the past is nearer than you think. The other day, out of curiosity, I opened my grandmother's Bible, and there, printed alongside the opening verse of Genesis, was the date for the beginning of the world - 4004 B.C. ...

    What surprised me was that anyone should still be proclaiming this as fact as recently as the twentieth century. My grandmother's Bible was printed in 1901. Surely everyone knew by then that the world was older than this?"

    Now, what the witnesses have done is to abandon the literal creative days in favor of their fabrication that each day was 7000 years. It is their own private fantasy - not scriptural by any stretch, and certainly just as laughable as 4004 B.C.

    I think that hanging on to such crap beliefs are in fact much more damaging to real faith than a careful scientific approach. The reason? Well - think what happens to the faith of the "true believers" in such stuff when they suddenly come across clear evidence that it was all just a religious fantasy.

  • TopHat

    If you think about it "Civilization" hasn't been around for to long. If we humans are millions of years old then why is civilization so young? and Real history so new in comparison.

  • snowbird

    So, according to your answer, in some cases where scientific findings contradict the bible, the scientific findings are true? And the Bible is wrong?

    How pray tell do you know when to believe the scientists and when to believe the Bible?

    Not trying to give you a hard time, just trying to understand. So far your position seems highly inconsistent.

    I have faith that the Bible can and will withstand any scientific findings that contradict it.

    I don't believe everything I read - scientific or otherwise. If something is glaringly inconsistent with the Bible, I will delve further into it to see if something is afoot.


  • james_woods

    Well, TopHat - wouldn't that sort of be like asking why the Ancient Romans knew quite a lot about math & science - but the Ferrari only appeared in 1947?

  • sir82

    I have faith that the Bible can and will withstand any scientific findings that contradict it.

    I don't believe everything I read - scientific or otherwise. If something is glaringly inconsistent with the Bible, I will delve further into it to see if something is afoot.

    The 2 statements above appear to be contradictory.

    You apparently believe everything you read in the Bible.

  • james_woods

    Sylvia has me wondering - does she believe that the creative days of the bible were literal days?

    If not, then 7000 years? Or some other arbitrary length?

  • TopHat

    No I don't see it that way James....What you are talking about is discovery and invention in a short period of time compared to millions and millions of years humans roamed the earth without civilization..

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