GOD---the anti-concept

by Terry 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Telling you what something is NOT is the opposite of identification.

    GOD is:

    1.Someone the human mind cannot grasp.

    2.Not human

    3.Not earthly

    4.Not "body" or material

    5. Not finite

    Something or someone who exists possesses identity.

    God is portrayed in a mode of being "superior" to existence itself: without beginning or end.

    God has no dimensions.

    God has gender without sex.

    God transcends the human mind--yet--we are to take in "knowledge" of Him.

    Nothing can be infinite because things which EXIST are limited to what they ARE in quality and quantity: this much and no more.

    Quantity? One that is also three? But, three that is only one?

    Perception of God is non-sensory. Knowledge of God is non-reason.

    God is Creator of the Universe? God created everything out of NOTHING? There is no NOTHING. Creating everything out of nothing is creating everything out of "what there is none of."

    God is omnipotent? Unlimited? Actually existing things can act only in accordance with their nature. Nature begins and ends in terms of what it IS and what it ISN'T. Identity is a limit.

    God is the systematic contradiction of every valid metaphysical principle.

    To get to God you must must abandon reason, referents, existence, identity, perception, knowledge, quantity and enter the world of


    Taking anything as a "given" without testing, processing, measuring or integrating it with reality is anti-conceptual.

    The brain merely accepts "as is".

    No analysis.

    Just faith.

  • PaulJ

    'God' is exactly what people want him/her/it to be. For some its a man with a beard, or a woman without a beard, for some its money, or a floaty gas in the 'heavens'... if it ticks your box then it's 'God'.

    Therefore 'God' exists, but only evidentially as a concept, as much as the word 'God' appears in the dictionary.

    As you say then, just 'faith'. The assured 'expectation' of things 'hoped' for. Broken down it doesn't sound very certain at all.

    Paul of the fingers uncrossed class.....

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    The concept of "god" is so illogical, that logically, "god" cannot exist.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    And if there was just someone there in ancient times millenniums ago to explain this to those folks

    It might have helped us to bring reality down to earth where it should have stayed.

  • IP_SEC
    Nothing can be infinite because things which EXIST are limited to what they ARE in quality and quantity: this much and no more.

    Agree with the rest. This is verifiably false.

  • Terry
    Nothing can be infinite because things which EXIST are limited to what they ARE in quality and quantity: this much and no more.
    Agree with the rest. This is verifiably false.

    Now you're teasing!

    Come on....come one....tell us! Tell us!!

  • hipa

    i wonder if your view is tainted by the amenosity directed towards your past faith.

    being a christian myself- i would have to disagree with "your" definition on GOD.

    or your lack there of...

    I hope that peace & love.


  • hipa

    there is no logic in life.

    if that is the case...why is love, love?

    we can not hold love or see it, and therefore love is not logically existent..

    proff of love does not exist, and yet it is perpetuated by almost all.

    to put logicallity in belief makes it indifferent to the idea.


  • hipa

    i dont think that you understand.

    because the word appears in the dictionary doesnt give it less of a meaning.

    if i were to tell you that the sun is hot, but your "interpretation" of hot is of a lesser meaning then mine, would it make the fact that the sun is hot less meaningful.

    I think that your belief of what god is not the same as the definition thereof.

  • IP_SEC

    Come on....come one....tell us! Tell us!!

    Oh geez terry, way to test my less than infinut knowledge but...

    p=mv/squareroot 1-v/c squared

    you dun fried my brain now. alt

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