went to convention this weekend

by Ex-smoker 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ex-smoker

    Sat away from my folks with sis on the top row. Listened to my mp3 player all of fri and half of sunday. Slept for the second half of sunday. Best convention ever

  • Gopher

    You must have found the convention refreshing (after all that sleep). Too bad you had to go at all.

  • Hope4Others

    Well glad you enjoyed yourself....Sounds all good...


  • White Dove
    White Dove
    I was such an idiot. I actually tried to pay attention. I really hated the symposiums. Never took anything good from them, and they were always so dam long.
  • erandir

    I bet all the older ones were impressed. You were sitting there nodding your head to the music and looking like you were really into the program.

    Sister Older to Brother Older: "Just look at how that young brother over there is really taking this part on Zephaniah in!"

  • WTWizard

    I already been--to the Apostate Congregation of JWD. I copied Blondie's program synopsis, and looked through this board for how they developed it. And, so far I haven't had a "Keep Moving" or "Quiet" sign, a piece of Kingdumb Sxxx, or having to be surrounded by "brothers" 4 deep or the lead hounder's family.

  • orangefatcat

    so did you get a copy of that new book?

    Someone quoted and scanned a couple of pages on disfellowshippping.

    I could have stay at home and listened to my music instead of sitting there trying to pretend I am attentive to hte discource.


  • digderidoo

    Then how come you didn't just stay at home?


  • lisavegas420

    For the life of me, I can not even imagine telling my son (23) he had to find a seat, sit and listen for 2-3 days.

    and if I did.....

    He's laugh and ask me if I'd lost my ever lovin' mind.

    Probably pat me on the back, or give me a hug..and say..Mom, it ain't happenin'.


  • jaguarbass

    It sounds like you are mastering passive resistance.

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