Any other exhausted moms out there?

by milligal 22 Replies latest social family

  • babygirl75

    I only have one child and I am on the go non stop. I cannot imagine having more than one child. You moms that have three or more kids......I just don't know how you do it!!!! My son will be 10 next month. He is involved with all sports and karate. I am also a cheerleading coach & a member of the optimist club. I have been blessed with a great child. He never gives me any trouble and when I want to take a nap and just chill...he gives me my time and plays in his room or outside with the neighborhood kids.

    Of course I have to make time for my man as well. Due to our opposite work schedules; the weekends are our time. We as a family will either go riding our ATV's, take the boat out on the lake, or when we don't have my son (when he is at his father's house) we go motorcycle riding. I'm exhausted basically all the time, but happy!!

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    ALways exhausted! I have 2, 8yr girl and 4 year boy.. I feel like having one kid you can do anything , but once you have 2, you may as well have 6. Daughter's last day of school is today, so on starts the summer running all around, trying to do everything "fun" for them, only for it to never be good enough and have her crying by the end of the day. I HATE that. Try to have such a nice day, then it's like "you forgot to get me the candy!" and it's like "it's cuz you had ice cream instead, tha'ts enough!!". Ok, now she sounds like a rotten brat... i think it has something to do about being exhausted by the end when we take em to do anything. Or maybe it's because she was forced to sit thru all these meetings and assemblies she's gonna pay me back. I guess i have it coming.

  • sweetstuff

    I think back to my mother with five kids, all those meetings, slavement er service and wonder how the heck she didn't go mental and I respect her alot for being as patient as she was. It makes me appreciate my kids so much more though, they get their own snacks, juice, go out and play outside, etc. I can have coffee without having someone climbing all over me! I promise to all those struggling with toddlers, it DOES get easier and the pay off is enjoying watching your tiring toddler turn into a unique individual who you can laugh with and enjoy for who they are. I do think teaching them that Mommy needs her "time out" at 3 or 4 is very important, to teach them some independance instead of having a say..6 year old who relys on you to do everything for them ( and believe me, I've seen that too).

    My partner has two, 2 and 4, (which was a big adjustment, going back to the sleepless nights) it caused some friction with my partner and I at first, our different parenting styles, lol. We have them 2 to 3 days a week and I am wiped when they go home, as much as I adore them.His oldest insisted on having someone still wipe her bum (and they would!), I wouldnt' do that with mine once they were potty trained (completely of course), I taught them it was their job to do that! But he's come around and she now does alot of things herself that she didn't do before because she was told she "couldn't" or wasn't "old enough". If you teach them independance while giving them lots of love it will benefit mom and dad and the kids in question. Not to mention keep you sane, hehe.

    Nothing worse for a parent than a child who needs to be entertained constantly and is incapable of entertaining themselves at all, IMO. Now, my two are a breeze to take care of, they get cuddles and hugs and the attention they need without draining me of the time alone I need. Hang in there.

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