I got shunned at Wal-Mart

by loosie 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • logic&reason

    looking back, you are right... it was very funny.

    At the time, it was very uncomfortable. I didn't know what to say, so I just turned around and walked away.

  • WTWizard

    It hurts a lot less when the one doing the shunning is a witless rather than the waitress at Starbucks. At least I know why the witlesses do the shunning, and it makes it that much more difficult to reclaim me as their property. If it's the waitress at Starbucks, then all I can hope is that it is because she is pxxxed at the whole group for "tipping" with wastes of paper instead of real money after (1) getting a big mess, (2) excessive "Hurry UP!" demands, and (3) hearing about how she (and everyone else that isn't a witless) is one of those wicked people that "deserves to die".

    And that can be said for those clerks at Wal-Mart and any subsidiary stores that happen to be in the building, as much as for Target, K-Mart, and any other store. I would in fact rather be shunned by the witlesses, and more so because it would be a big embarrassment to be associated with those cockroaches.

  • orangefatcat

    It is strange how many JW,s turn their heads away so as not t o make contact with ones face. It is as if we had the plauge, They are so afraid to say anything.

    They just as soon turn away and head for the hills. I must admit this but recently one sister who was quite cruel with her facial expressions towards me nine years ago, actually waved to me. I was quite flabberghasted. Her husband is the presiding overseer as far as I know.

    I really belief in my heart of hearts that there are many JW's would like to throw in the towel and leave the organization, the only thing keeping the strapped in is they would lose all their family and many friends. Some witnesses who have spoken to me give me the immpression they would rather be in my shoes. Free.

    Two families from my former congregation have discontinued going to meetings and one other family moved closer to the the Niagra region to get away from the witnesses. the wife told me one day she doesn't believe it isn't the truth, and are only staying in on account of her one son who is an elder. Can you beileive she would rather be miserable rather then talk to her son and tell him her feeling about why they don't want to remain in the organziation. I see more and more witnesses moving out of the area they are witnesses in so they can get a way and start afresh by not going to the KH.

    I think we will see much of this happen as time goes by.


  • Vincent

    i belive I saw a JW after dr appiontment, he looked familar but an utter idiot, probley heading for the spiritualist church or dr

  • Scully

    We were shunned a couple of weeks ago, by the stuck-up self-righteous wife of an Elder™ from our former congregation. It happened outside the local supermarket's west entrance which is adjacent to the rest of the shopping district. She snubbed our friendly "Hi, how are you?" (just like she did when we were still Active™ JWs In Good Standing™) and walked directly into the liquor store. At 10 o'clock in the morning.

    I don't suppose she finds it as humorous as we did.


    You were shunned? Maybe your presence made them "speechless" instead?

    Just a thought.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I got shunned at home depot by a couple whom I considered progressive. They walked by me and my wife and just looked ahead.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Funny how the rank and file JWs has taken a pledge of allegiance to a group of men and has forgotten about their commitment to almighty GOD. The actions of "intentional infliction of mental duress" and --much worse-- from these mindless robots, points to what is most important in their life ....... and it is not GOD!

    How can you tell a real modern, organizational Jehovah Witness?

    Answer:By the gross hypocrisy and the heart felt willingness to inflict pain and suffering on each other any way their human leaders tell them........ It is all such a grand show of love and affection for the world to see!

    I do hope all of the JWs are happy for what they have done to the innocent and defenseless.....

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Christ I wanna get shunned!!!!! I got tattoos, cuss, and do drugs......still I don't get shunned 'cause I've been inactive for sooooo long..... The local jw's always treat me with respect, and kindness.....Is it me?..... Maybe the sight of you, makes them think, and they aren't quite ready to confront you one, on one... I feel bad for them.....you are free of that craziness, and can live life truly lovingly....They on the other hand are not.....

  • dogisgod

    I rarely go to Nordstroms but had some time in the mall (and I hate going to malls) and strolled over to see if my work nylons were on sale. There was a sister there looking at socks on sale. I said, "Well Hi Sue. You look great! whats new?" She fled. shunned over sale socks. Boo hoo.

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