Welcome Back *** Junction-Guy ***

by PEC 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Momz, no it was not moving, just moving on from this board.

  • momzcrazy

    Oh and something happened that made you need our support again?

    My therapist calls JWD my support group.

    Good luck with whatever happened.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Has anyone else noticed that posters who post good byes to the forum invariably come back, and those who simply stop posting usually don't return?

  • hillbilly
    Yes you did, I decided to leave this board and had a plan to follow through with it, the plan was sidetracked, and I found myself back on here.

    Wow... I am glad your plan did not involve experiments with small animals or nuclear devices.

    Staying away must have been a very detailed plan... I can see how a plan like that could go awry.

  • Junction-Guy

    No, I don't need anybody's support anymore on here, but I mainly came back because I spent alot of money on my car this past week, and didn't have enough left to go ahead with several of my plans, so I came here just for some temporary fun.

  • Finally-Free

    I'll go away if someone pays me enough. Otherwise you're all stuck with me.


  • lonelysheep

    Can I ask you something?

    Why "go?" It's just a computer for christ's sake.

  • babygirl75

    Geez...I was here & still missed It!!! Didn't know you were planning on leaving JG. You know you really don't wanna leave anyway!!!

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Welcome Back Guy,

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