Give 'Em Hell, Apostates!

by Farkel 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    My, my, my. How far we've come in just the last ten years.

    Just ten short years ago, the term JW "apostate" still carried a stigma of held-over shame to most ex-JWs and they rarely called themselves by that term. I wore that badge proudly, but I had already been out of the WTS for over 20 years by then. Slowly, but steadily the term went from shame to neutral to a badge of honor! Today we have "apostofests" and "aposto marches" and everything else apostate. "Apostate" has morphed into a term of celebration. Dang! How that must gall the WT leaders!

    Ten years ago Jehovah's Witnesses were mostly called "JWs" by apostates. I was one of the first, or possibly the first one to regularly and sneeringly call them "dubs" and "dubettes" and "little dubbies". JWs have no problem calling ex-members or members of other religions the vilest of names, but how it must gall them to have themselves referred to with such derisive and condescending names as "dubs!" A dose of their own medicine.

    Ten years ago being DFd for say, "immorality" or "apostasy" still had a stigma attached to it on discussion boards even for people who had no desire to go back. Today people brag about it!

    And the derision of the WTS continues. I think it was Paul Blizzard who used the term "Witchpower Babble and Trick Society" many years ago. I admired his chutzpah at the time! Our own "WTWizard" poster has a slew of epithets for the WTS. Why don't you post them on this thread, Wizard?

    I'll list a few that I've used and heard.

    The Governing Buggery (double entendre!)
    Babylon the Grape
    The Genital Times
    Grudge Rutherford
    Da Judge
    Kingdumb Hell
    Field Circus
    The Pioneer Shuffle
    Circus Overseer
    Split Pea Soup (what deeeeeminz make you hurl)
    Chuckie Russell
    Nathan Homo Knorr

    Come on, folks! Let's show 'em what we've got. Feel free to add your own. The raunchier the better. Vile is good! After all, we ARE demonized apostates, aren't we?


  • BFD
    I had already been out of the WTS for over 20 years by then.

    Never knew that about you.

    I always liked...




  • Gopher

    Field Misery

    Theocraptic Misery School

    (Thanks for this thread ---It always feels good to blow off the WT Society)

  • watson

    I like my "PT Russel." Subtle but thought provoking?

  • BFD

    There's a sucker born every minute.

    Yep, still.


  • dinah

    I love that "racket and snare" thingy. Sure, they came up with it, but if the shoe fits..........

    Field circus is the one that gets me most.

  • parakeet

    Millions once living are now dead.


    Farkel..You and the rest of the old timers have got us this far..The truth is,we all stand on the shoulders of those we learned from..I learned from you and many others..My thanks to all of you.............As for your thread..I got a new name for the Kingdom Hall,"The King Dung Hole"..It`s where all the JW`s are fed WBT$ sh*t..LOL!!.......Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • sparrow

    I quite like "The Troof" and "Je-homo/Jehobah" that I've heard here.

    Never thought I would laugh at Je-homo but tickles my fancy


    How about.."Da Debel".."Satan da Debel"..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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