The Most Tasteless Awake Cover ?? - Feb 8th 2003

by BluesBrother 45 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jambon1

    The release of this article was significant for me. When this magazine came out I decided to stop reading some articles. This then lead me to analize what depressing, terrible material I was feeding my mind with as a JW. A route call also told me that she felt my depression could be because of reading such depressing material all the time. That clinched it for me. A really nice woman with concern for my mental state, saying it like it is. A year after she said that I left the org. I also realised that due to terrible things such as these happening, I has no belief in a god who allows it for ANY reason.

  • BluesBrother

    I appreciate all the comments, both those who agree with me and those who don't. Just to emphasise again

    it is credited to a newsagency, Jan Banning , Panos Pictures - so I do believe that she was a real child prostitute

    I accept that there is a legitimate use of shock pictures to inform and try to obtain aid for victims. I can think of some that stay in your memory forever.

    My objection was that they were not using her for that . They were using her to sell place magazines that encouraged doing nothing to try and change the situation, or extend charitable aid . Basically, the article was to try and "make disciples" of their own cause . That was the difference.

  • Fadeout

    What are the chances that someone placed that very magazine with her pimp?

    Just wonderin' out loud.

  • Jringe01

    james_woods wrote:

    You know, as bad as the poor third-world girl looks to be off in that picture, she would be far worse off if she were a witness who either had an abusing relative or should need a blood transfusion.

    You BASTARD!!!

    What a rotten comment to make, like she's better off cause she's not a JW! There is NOTHING worse for a child than to be sexually abused/a prostitute for some self serving sick minded human being in form only. THERE ARE NO DEGREES OF BETTER OR WORSE HERE!!!!!!!!! THERE IS NOTHING WORSE FOR A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How DARE you even imply otherwise. Your comment implies that being a child prostitute is better than being a JW child. You sick bastard. You totally didn't think before you wrote that one did ya?

  • james_woods

    Blues Brothers put this exactly in its sordid place:

    The Watchtower Society wanted to use the picture to jazz up its apocalyptic and negative vision of the world. Anything bad is something they can use as yet another end of the world argument.

    They do not want to do anything to help this girl or others like her in this system of things...unless, of course her pimp captors should happen to want to convert to JWism and somehow find some other line of work. As if they could just preach to her - you know, you shouldn't do this any more... how in the hell is just preaching to her going to get her free and find a way to feed her? Remember that we are not talking about one girl or boy, but literally millions. They do not care about practical help for other unfortunates in the here and now.

    In fact, they actively discourage the use of our resources to help such people as this girl - this money & time could be better used to promote witness-ism and more magazines like this one upon which they shamed this girl by publishing her condition all over the world.

    Did you get that loud and clear? This girl's image is being used to promote the news magazine of an organization that actively discourages its members to provide any practical help for her and others like her.

    Sickening. I hope the apologist troll is reading this word for word.

  • Jringe01

    hamsterbait wrote:

    I felt more pity for the little girl than anything else. I have also seen TV documentaries about the desperate plight of street children in Bombay. Should the images here also not be shown?

    lets face it a picture can be very powerful. to bring home the same shock of what children suffer in words would be very difficult, and also open to criticism as "lewd" or "libidinous".

    maybe any image or words that shock or disgust us should be banned...

    If we start banning images that disgust us then I want the cross banned. How about the x-mas tree? The swastica? Stephen Harper's face? (lol)

    To ban these things would be to destroy the democracy and freedom we all now enjoy. It would in effect make us a more authoritarian society...much like the one we all escaped from.

  • james_woods

    This one goes out straight to Jringe01, who just called me a bastard.

    You did not even bother to quote me in context. I said she would be far worse off if she were a witness who was actively being molested or needed a blood transfusion. I did not say just an average little witness girl.

    The logic is simple: On the street, her condition of sexual abuse is obvious and public. The authorities at least have a fighting chance to rescue her...however, if she were an abused witness child, every measure would be taken to hide and protect the abuser from the police, as history of this organization has proven. Often, the abused child is blamed for the crime.

    Further, if she should need a blood transfusion, and the condition was bad enough, then she would be dead. Just plain dead, and it is just that simple.

    If you want to debate it further, bring it on.


  • Jringe01

    Sorry james_woods...this is your exact quote. I just copied and pasted it. It's back on the first page in case you'd prefer to read it for yourself and see that I'm not quoting you out of context or changing it in any way.

    I agree - this is definately an actionable firing offense for the editor of a pseudo-religious magazine. Although Awake covers were often chosen for salacious thrill value more than good taste. VD - Is it for Christians?

    My gawd - can you imagine how terribly embarrased a somewhat enlightened JW would be who is sent out with this trash to show to people on their front doorsteps?

    I know for a fact that when I was a pioneer - such stuff as this would get deep sixed into the old car trunk and I would be using the extras from the previous issues while waiting for the following issues.

    You know, as bad as the poor third-world girl looks to be off in that picture, she would be far worse off if she were a witness who either had an abusing relative or should need a blood transfusion.

  • james_woods

    OK, genius - you have cut and pasted it twice now but apparantly still did not read it.

    I said: far worse off if she were a witness who either had an abusing relative or needed a blood transfusion.

    Not just any non-abused or healthy witness girl. And I stand by that.

  • Jringe01

    It's still a rotten comment to make. She would not be far worse do you know that the little girl is still alive? How do you know what kind of life threatening diseases she may have from the hundreds of fat middle age men who pay for that sort of shit.

    The authorities?????? Don't make me laugh. There is little political will to do something about child prostitution and even whwre there is $$$, manpower and laws are lacking. They say crime doesn't pay but if it didn't there'd be no criminals. There is soooooo much money behind child prostitution, that's why the industry continues to flourish.

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