What did you do to free your mind from WBTS??

by Nicolas 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • celebrate

    Nicolas: It takes some time and some real gentleness with yourself. I also got professional help. I did attend some Unity services. I also found a book that I love called "Friendship with God". It is part of the "Conversations with God" series, but I like this one the best. God made sense. God asks there is a need to do something as theatrical as Armageddon, after all, this is God so why not just destroy everyone. Why make people suffer? God has no need for horrid suffering. It also says you have to love yourself to love God.

    You are on the right path, just stick with it. I still have a few hobgobblins that crop up every so often -- like September 11. But then I recalled 6 million Jews died and the world did not end. 10,000 plus Japanese died when we dropped a bomb on them, and the world did not end. And I found a lot of help here. Hang with it, it is worth the trip.


  • radar


    Don't be fooled.

    "What did you do to free your mind from WBTS?? "

    The Irony is, that for all the wonderfull advice given here on threads like this.
    Is that those of us that keep posting on these boards, can never really free our minds of the Watchtower.

    The TRUTH shall set you free...Hmmmmmm it is still with us.


    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • zerubberballz

    you people are so cool,

    Brigette what you say about stilling the mind is so very important to us brainwashed freaks. For quite a while, as a witness, i tried to block stuff out with loud noise and overlayers of sanity (like Cygnus?) rather than silently letting things surface to deal with them one by one. It took more than three years of constant button pushing to reveal the real me.. gee i was hiding deep ;) That was more than ten years ago and only now am i ready for serious meditation (thats meditation not serious medication Cygie wiggy ;)

    excuse me while i put on my Tibetan CD.


    PS: Hey SirFRED, what helped free your mind?

  • Farkel

    : Hey SirFRED, what helped free your mind?

    He punctured his ear drum and that allowed the wind to blow it out of his head.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Unclepenn1

    >I ask you this because I saw a lot of hypocrisy in the org but I still have sometime this old fear of Armageddon with a feeling a culpability

    Nicolas, the Bible teaches that there will be an Armageddon, and the JW's perverted that and made it something to focus on instead of God. There will be a day of judgement so your fear is not unsubstantiated. I am amazed at how many people on this board find out that the WT is a cult and then disregard the Bible as being false also, when the Bible warns that there will be cults in the last days. Are you seeing this anyone?

    Bible: Dont be deceived- False Prophets will arise- Test everything-Don't let anyone teach you the Word of God-Watch out!

    Ex Cult Member: I found out the WT was a cult so the Bible isn't true after all.

    Are you seeing the faulty logic here?!!

    Nicolas, God loves you and always has. He has appointed a day in which He will rid the world of evil and we will have intimacy with Him forever. Jesus died on your behalf and there is nothing you can do to earn that. He is waiting for you. Don't reject Him because you have been decieved. Email me if you want to chat :)

    God Bless,



    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • Satanus

    What did you do to free your mind from the BIBLE??

    1. Studied the flood/archeology/bible affair.
    2. Studied bible contrdictions/wierdness.
    3. Studied near death experiences.
    4. Meditated.
    5. Studied all the above without fear/faith.

    Unclepenn It was 2 yrs after the bursting of the wt bubble that i burst the bible bubble. So i didn't throw them out both together. I carefully looked at each one.


  • Nicolas

    Unclepenn1, I would like to believe you but since you have no proof that the bible was made by god, I can't believe you. This is how my parents got in the JW, they accepted a fact with no proof and you probably know what are the results of this. So, I won't accept something true whitout any proof. I know that my past in the jw gave me this habit to not question anything but this was not a good habit. And don't tell me that the bible is a true book because it is written in the bible, it's a circular argument.

  • zerubberballz

    mmm 'out of his head' you say..

    well, Bro.Farkel his wind assisted streak across the apostate underpant hasn't hurt the ol' boys career. SirFRED's marketing himself all over the net and even has his own TV show!

    - http://www.joshuaslinks.com/fred_hall_his_sugar_babes.html

  • Satanus


    Is unity and unitarian the same? Can you straiten this out?

    Thanks SS

  • garybuss

    Hi Nicolas

    I was a believing walkaway for almost 20 years. I ended up making a study of every JW doctrine, principle and practice. I virtually challenged my own essential core beliefs. I ended the study after I studied theism itself.


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