ACHIEVE YOUR "BLISS", spirituality, cosmic consciousness HERE!

by Terry 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips
    You ignore the scientific evidence I provided on my mystical thread and start your own thread.

    They clamor for evidence. A shred!

    When they are presented with something compelling they don't see it. They dismiss it. They don't process it. They completely misunderstand it as what happened on your thread.

    "To those who believe no proof is necessary. To those who do not believe no proof will suffice."

    Ultimately it's a choice, I suppose. I choose the greater.

    Being "taken for a ride" by JWism has hurt a lot here. It is like a person duped and abused by the love of their life. Some can never love another again.


  • Sirona

    You know Terry, your tone is beginning to p*ss me off. Perhaps that is the effect you are after.

    I said "possible" ESP because, the study cited gave a statistically significant result of some type of communication between two individuals which could *possibly* be labelled "Extra Sensory Perception".

    Yet again you use this opportunity to ridicule and its pretty sad.

    Its almost like you childishly think its "fun" to point your finger and deride anyone who doesn't agree with you. That is what this thread is all about.


  • Sirona


    When they are presented with something compelling they don't see it. They dismiss it. They don't process it. They completely misunderstand it as what happened on your thread.


    It amazes me that those who claim to hold science in high regard are the same individuals who completely dismiss a whole area of study concerning things like ESP. Surely they *want* these things to be tested scientifically?

    But of course, according to some, the whole lot of us - regardless of IQ or education - are just "idiots" because our minds are open enough to allow for something existing which is beyond what has currently been proven scientifically. Years ago these same people would have ridiculed those who said there was a force called electricity.


  • VoidEater

    New Mysterianism is a philosophical position proposing that certain problems will never be explained or at the least cannot be explained by the human mind at its current evolutionary stage...

    What was the Einstein quote? We cannot solve the problems that our current level of thinking have created by uising our current level of thinking...?

    Nothing creative comes from pure rationality - inspiration takes us to the next level.

    -Void (of the IQ 156 class)

    EDIT - PS - not defending charlatans or predators, but rather the imaginative dimension of our humanity.

  • journey-on

    Sirona said:

    You know Terry, your tone is beginning to p*ss me off.

    I'm beginning to think Terry does not read other posts that carefully if they are from people who have a different

    view from his. From my own experience, it appears he scans your post, then comments without ever having

    really considered what you have presented. Sometimes, his replies hardly relate to your entire post.....just a

    small piece he has carefully picked out.


    What was the Einstein quote? We cannot solve the problems that our current level of thinking have created by uising our current level of thinking...?

    Nothing creative comes from pure rationality - inspiration takes us to the next level.

    -Void (of the IQ 156 class)

    Wow! All the way around! But, unfortunately, I don't think some will allow these words to roll around in their brains for a second, much

    less give them any validity whatsoever.

  • Satanus

    A few misconceptions there, terry. 'Course, i can't speak for all mystics, and i am only an amateur. I need to work and stuff, living in the regular world, and all that. The following are my impressions on mystics, generally.

    'This consists of blindly insisting on the unintelligible! They will tell you you CANNOT KNOW!'

    They want you to experience for yourself, to know. Know thyself, as sheakespere said.

    'The Mystic has a source of power you are cut off from and they run a Protection Racket like mobsters in Al Capone's era.'

    Wrong. Everyone has it. Lots of people don't use it. But, that's okay. It's not that necessary for life on this planet.

    'You must listen and not speak. You must respect and not question. You must obey and not balk. You must pay for their services!'

    Oh, fuck off. Mystics mostly keep the stuff to themselves. They generally aren't pushy or evangelical.

    'That would feed your intelligence, your rationl mind, your consciousness and your powers of discrimination (which you are not allowed to exercise!).'

    I don't know about this one. I'm still discriminating, rational and conscious. I'm still reasonably intelligent.

    'You spread their message by buying in and turning off your "weak" "sinful" "corrupt" senses and by parroting their orthodoxy as if it were gold.'

    Again, spreading the 'message' isn't encouraged, or discouraged. The senses are not considered to be weak, sinful, or corrupt.

    'How to accept Mysticism:

    1.Accept allegations without evidence.'

    Direct doing and experience are encouraged.

    '3.Trust not your 5 senses. Postulate a 6th and use that one!'

    Wrong. Do trust your 5 senses. Use the 6th, as well, if you want.

    '5.Start using words like "instinct", "intuition", "revelation" or "just knowing". Replace physical reality with "spirit" and "energy".'

    Since i don't use many of those words, maybe i'm not a mystic, afterall.

    '6.Give up the One Reality and replace it with some other "reality" whose only definition is that it is NOT natural, but, SUPERnatural.'

    Again, the present reality should not be given up. A deeper one can be added, as a person wants, or is able.

    '8.Become one with the Mystic and his World View by asserting that everything is reducible to one's OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. View your own mind as the True Reality. View the concrete world of dirt, stones, air and physics as mere ILLUSION!'

    This is funny, man.

    '9. Never view your emotions as involuntary physical sensations triggered by your deeply held VALUES---instead, view your emotions as SOURCES OF TRUTH!'

    Meditation is an exercise of detaching from emotions, while still observing them.

    '10.Proclaim that reality is not only whatever YOU want it to be, but, rely on your consciousness to actually CREATE any reality you choose for it! How? BY INSISTING through FAITH it is simply SO!'

    Not by faith. The subconscious motivates the conscious, and action follows. Others tend to pick up on it, too. If you think and act positively, positive things tend to happen for you. If you think negatively, not much happens. Of course, we are complex. We have both positives and negatives. Some people say they want lots of good stuff, or they start projects, and then they sabotage themselves. They are afraid of success, or feel they don't deserve it.

    'Science is for the short-sighted, non-spiritual man trapped in an illusion of time and space who needs to be liberated by turning inward to his own spirit of awareness.'

    I like science, it's for me too, i think.


  • belbab


    You sure know how to take the AWE out of AWESOME.

    I guess I now won't get to read Harry Potter after all.

    I am so happy also to learn that the temperature at the north end of Mars is measured at 30 degrees centigrade, and that in summer yet.


  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    " The pre-condition of communication is that you have something ABOUT WHICH you are communicating! "...

    And the clouds fell into the sea... As the clouds watched the night below the dreamer and his dream.
    All life was free and then twas gone.
    What a sad, sad song the morning brought anew as though tomorrow were today.
    What can we say? The words don't linger long.
    Beneath the cloak of hidden wonder in the tundra of our yesterdays I see the face of one who lingered.
    Her fingers touched the silent earth and flowers tumbled into view.
    Our tears are dew and rainfall in the shimmering hush of goodbyes and adieu.


    " Defining things, exposing them to scrutiny for their functioning is to remove them from what is hidden (mystical) "...

    For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. James 1;23-25

    For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12

    love michelle

    p.s. "It is difficult to construct a myth around the known and all too easy around the unknown."

  • Magick

    “A person who only believes in the “tangible” or that which can be tested has put his “intangible” faith in the one doing the testing.” ~magick

    If you have ever looked upon a dead body, a person who was once “alive,” vibrant, and full of energy, a unique personality, and see that that part no longer exists, you will “know” there is more to life than what is physical.

    The very nature of life and death are mystical. These intangible realities cannot be seen, heard, or felt in the physical sense, but they exist. In life, there exists that which cannot be held in your hand, or measured, or scientifically tested for thier existence; things like belief, friendship, and love.

    As humankind continues to evolve, what once was “mystical” has become science. Just because we cannot comprehend something, does not invalidate its existence.

    Science is full of incomprehensible “mysteries,” which remain “hidden,” until someone comprehends. Mysticism holds its place, not among superstition, myth and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but at the far extreme of mental states. The evolution of science depends on the minds of great visionaries, or “mystics.” Man needs spiritualism, just as man needs the spirit or energy of life. It takes spiritualism to develop scientifically, or science would be a dead corpse.

    Mystic knowledge is what science has labeled “insight,” it is knowledge that seemingly comes from no where, a momentary flash of inspiration, creativity or understanding. This “insight” is not based on trial-and-error, or scientific testing, it springs forth from the unconscious to the conscious.

    Instead of dismissing “mystical” ideas as metaparticles, cymatics, the human genome, remote viewing, the Fibonacci sequence or even crop circles, science has embraced these mysteries as stepping stones towards the higher science, truth.

  • Sirona

    Some great comments here, especially Satanus.

    I totally agree with Satanus that Terry's description of a mystic is WAY off.

    As part of a mystery school myself and an amateur mystic (and also having met quite a few), I can say 100% that they all think for themselves. No two mystics have exactly the same view. This is because, as Satanus says, the whole idea of studying the esoteric is about the *individual* and knowing thyself.

    If a mystic hears something is so, he / she goes away and tests that theory.

    They also don't care a jot about any type of recruiting.


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