ACHIEVE YOUR "BLISS", spirituality, cosmic consciousness HERE!

by Terry 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    As civilization has advanced, one after another areas of magic, mysticism, superstition and myth have been blown away by rational investigation, testing, measuring, reasoning and recording data.

    The last stand of the "believer" is the miraculous: the as yet unexplained.

    This consists of blindly insisting on the unintelligible! They will tell you you CANNOT KNOW!

    Yet, somehow, they know!

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave, for example, KNOWS what you cannot know by yourself. You NEED them. They have the POWER and you do not! You are pitiful, weak and ignorant while they possess the riches of bliss, salvation and Truth!

    The Mystic has a source of power you are cut off from and they run a Protection Racket like mobsters in Al Capone's era.

    You must listen and not speak. You must respect and not question. You must obey and not balk. You must pay for their services!

    You must buy their books and speak their language. You must turn away from all others who contradict them and make the skeptics your enemy!

    The mystic is practically a spirit. The flesh is only temporary. For a fee they will instruct you, enlighten you and tell you the "hidden", the "secret" and the sublime. You can attend their seminars, their classes, their Kingdom Halls and run errands for them to achieve the illusory bliss they promise.

    You are not allowed to ask for REASONS nor create arguments designed to elicit INFORMATION containing exact definitions or details!!

    No no no no no....

    That would feed your intelligence, your rationl mind, your consciousness and your powers of discrimination (which you are not allowed to exercise!).

    The MYSTICS create their own language of vague non-meaning. The vocabulary of the Mystic contains words which mean what they want them to mean. Like the Cuckoo bird that lays its eggs in the other bird's nests..the Mystic hatches their progeny in your unconscious and unwitting cooperation. You spread their message by buying in and turning off your "weak" "sinful" "corrupt" senses and by parroting their orthodoxy as if it were gold.

    How to accept Mysticism:

    1.Accept allegations without evidence.

    2.Accept personal experiences instead of proof.

    3.Trust not your 5 senses. Postulate a 6th and use that one!

    4.Claim as knowledge the non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable.

    5.Start using words like "instinct", "intuition", "revelation" or "just knowing". Replace physical reality with "spirit" and "energy".

    6.Give up the One Reality and replace it with some other "reality" whose only definition is that it is NOT natural, but, SUPERnatural.

    7.Perceive your new nature, the supernature, with unnatural means such as "prayer", "meditation", "divination", "ritual", contacting spirits, angels and channelers of Truth.

    8.Become one with the Mystic and his World View by asserting that everything is reducible to one's OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. View your own mind as the True Reality. View the concrete world of dirt, stones, air and physics as mere ILLUSION!

    9. Never view your emotions as involuntary physical sensations triggered by your deeply held VALUES---instead, view your emotions as SOURCES OF TRUTH! (Trust your gut! Not your rational intelligence!)

    10.Proclaim that reality is not only whatever YOU want it to be, but, rely on your consciousness to actually CREATE any reality you choose for it! How? BY INSISTING through FAITH it is simply SO!

    Science is for the short-sighted, non-spiritual man trapped in an illusion of time and space who needs to be liberated by turning inward to his own spirit of awareness.

    The above primer should work nicely for you!

  • Sirona

    You ignore the scientific evidence I provided on my mystical thread and start your own thread.



  • Terry
    You ignore the scientific evidence I provided on my mystical thread and start your own thread.

    I posted on your thread.

    I actually don't want to hijack YOUR thread.

    Science is science and evidence is evidence.

    If there were scientific evidence for mysticism , then, Mysticism would cease to be mystical (hidden)!

    Defining things, exposing them to scrutiny for their functioning is to remove them from what is hidden (mystical).

    Consequently, scientific evidence cannot be FOR the mystical.

  • Sirona

    It was evidence of possible ESP

    Anyway...where do I get bliss again?


  • Terry

    It was evidence of possible ESP

    Anyway...where do I get bliss again?

    Evidence of a possibility? What exactly does that mean, anyway?

    Bliss is easily obtained! Send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope with $50 cash and I'll mail directly to you the secrets of the universe which only I have obtained. (From a salamander).

  • VoidEater

    You can, to a degree, choose your experience. If your experience is far enough away from the consensus of reality, you may be in a fantasy.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear as magic (Clarke).

    As a Pastoral Counselor, my job is not to tell you what the world of spirit is like, but to let you define your inner landscape. Much of our inner landscape is imaginative. Without imaginative vision, we perish.

    Sometimes the path to bliss is not to fill your cup with more stuff, but to shrink your cup.

    There is no poetry in pure rationality.

    The question is not "what it is", but rather "what it might be" (Jarrett).

    But then perhaps we are speaking of two different things, Terry - I think of the capacity of the human spirit (psyche) as a way to add to our lives; perhaps you are just pointing out the folly of confusing the inner and the outer worlds...

  • Carlos_Helms

    What is a mystery to me is how a person cannot sense God in that which is right in front of his face. When I meet a person face-to-face, I don't need his "formula"...the REAL evidence for his being (as if my senses are somehow faulty). But I digress...

    Great thoughts, Terry. Regardless of a pro-God or anti-God belief system ( exists too), it's both amusing and tragic that some have created businesses out of explaining (or unexplaining) God to those who have been conditioned to believe that their own senses are faulty or "untrained." But, whatcha gonna do? "Bliss" is at your fingertips...but that's not what people really want, right?


  • BurnTheShips

    Copied from my post on the other thread:

    The default opposition seems to be: "if it is not cognitively reducible it is nonsense you idiot". What is the mind capable of understanding? It is all a continuum and we are not at the pinnacle (yet). Take an IQ of 50 and try to teach it the Calculus and Quantum Electrodynamics. Good luck. An IQ of 100 will be capable of more, of 150...still more. But some don't get it. They are like a blind man scoffing at the notion of the color red.

    New Mysterianism is a philosophical position proposing that certain problems will never be explained or at the least cannot be explained by the human mind at its current evolutionary stage.....


  • journey-on

    Balance is the key, imo.

    Man depends on the written word. (If it is in a book, surely it must be "Truth"....right?)

    The earliest writings (other than pictures on caves) were some etchings on stone discovered in the Harappa region of Pakistan dating about 5500 yrs. ago.

    It was about 3100 b.c. when an actual writing began to be developed by the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Mesopotamians. The average everyday person

    at this time did not have the written word to go by. Their search for understanding came from their own observations and experiences. These personal experiences

    were all they knew to be truth, and they passed these personal events and experiences down from generation to generation. These were embellished and combined with

    other experiences and finally written in some "book" at some time later and passed off as the real experiences.

    Science develops. Most of it is obsolete now, but at the time it was written down, it was presented as "Truth". But the fact that it was written in a book, made it "right" for

    most people. It was the "Truth" because a well-respected scientist of the time said it was so, and the way he presented this "truth" with all its mathematical formulas and

    scientific language left no doubt. It had to be true.

    So, you have two ends of the spectrum: Personal observations and experiences and Scientific observations and experiments. When finally we have reached a stage

    where the two can meet, the answers are the balance. If you depend strictly on the scientific observable evidence and leave out the personal experiential evidence,

    you are risking leaving a piece of the truth behind. By the same token, if you rely strictly on your personal experiences and care not what the scientific explanation might be,

    you, too, are risking the full truth.

    Man today seems to NEED to see it written. There is no end to the books and magazines and internet sites to read and ponder. Well-educated gurus on both sides of the

    spectrum write something down, and others will believe it hook, line, and sinker. Science says if you can't measure a thing, it isn't there.....then lo and behold!....quantum

    physics comes along and blows a hole in much of what science used to believe. Then you have the religious fanatics that believe on faith everything said in their scriptures

    and aren't interested in any science that may or may not prove its errors.

    As science evolves, so, too, does our spiritual understanding. They both have a long way to go, but after all, we've only been sharing the written word for about 5000 years.

    With information being instantaneously available, now, both the scientific kind and the personal spiritual kind, we will see a speeding up of this evolution, imo.

  • Terry

    What we know and understand is useful and practical.

    What we don't know is mysterious and titillating.

    It is difficult to construct a myth around the known and all too easy around the unknown.

    The problem with the mysterious is that anybody can claim anything about it and market it as super-knowledge.

    Just as each of us only has 24 hours in a day to work with----what we fill those hours with determines where we end up.

    It all comes down to choices as to how we spend our time (practical or impractical) and how we use our mind.

    At some point we must disambiguate.

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