Judge Rutherford's Air Conditioning at Bethel

by VM44 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ninja

    I just feel sorry for all the bethel workers being fed brussels sprouts so they could provide the "air conditioning" for rutherford

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    The air conditioning issue came up in Moyle's trial. Supposedly Van Amburgh had A/C before the Judge did. Nonetheless, the Judge had an entire air conditioned floor in the 1930s...hard to argue he was "one of the guys" or even "first among equals."

    By the way, Moyle sued the WBTS and the individual members of the board of the Society (including Rutherford, Knorr, and Franz) for libel based on two WT articles--one of which mentioned him by name and the other described him without mentioning his name. He sued for $100k and was awarded $30k by the jury at trial. On appeal, the court cut the verdict in half, so Moyle only got $15k. He lived about 25 years after the suit, so he had the opportunity to spend the money...after he paid his lawyer, of course!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It makes me angrier and angrier to hear of unfair treatment of those young brothers. My grandmother can't understand why they leave after only two to six weeks. This is why. She thinks it is because of their conduct and wanting to goof off.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I just passed 1914 posts and I'm still here. Where is that comet anyway? Where's the CoolAid?

  • SirNose586

    Ho ho, I'm very sure those jerks were "entitled" to their air conditioning. After all, the filthy slave and their slave-attendants get the best of everything for being Jesus' mouthpiece!!

  • Mysterious

    Not to sound jaded or anything but..corruption at the top what a surprise.

  • DazedAndConfused

    Pardon my ignorance, but who is Van Amburgh?

  • restrangled
    Arthur used to special pioneer in the islands using one of the society's two yachts as I recall.

    Does anyone know what happened to these yachts or have any more info about them?


  • reniaa

    You don't think this thread is a little petty? hmmm air conditioning ooo how terrible but as I pointed out earlier the pope head of the catholic church besides having a private jet has his own city filled with treasures, i'm betting the popes got air conditioning too ^^

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCAKVXXsx2g vatican treasures

    now what about scientology leaders do they get air conditioning?

    The church's founder, science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, chose Clearwater because it was sunny, close to an airport and near the water. Each year, 15,000 Scientologists from every continent study at the opulent Fort Harrison Hotel, a city landmark that the church secretly purchased under an assumed name in 1975.

    yes inside the luxury hotel ^^

    Can we have a little objectivity here please!

  • Satanus


    Thanks for lumping judge rutherford in w the pope and scientology leaders. That is the right classification for him.


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