Harvest SIftings Part II - PDF Download

by RR 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NeonMadman

    Thanks RR!

    If I remember correctly, you had mentioned some time ago that you might be scanning Roy Goodrich's "Back to the Bible Way" newsletters. Did you ever get around to that? Is it likely for the future? Is my memory faulty?

  • RR

    Yes, I have some of Roy's writings. the last half, I know someone who was a follower of his and has all his writings, been tryi8ng to get him to loan me the first half so I can scan them in. He lives in the boondocks of NY state. I'll probably scan what I have.


  • VM44

    Roy Goodrich used a mimeograph to print his newsletters on cheap legal sized paper.

    The text was single spaced and Roy printed on both sides of the pages, which were then stapled together.

    Not the easist material to make scans of.

  • RR

    Actually VM, he got better. The ones I have from the 1950s-1970s are professionally printing

  • NeonMadman

    Yes, the ones I remember from the 60's and 70's were professionally printed, not mimeographed. Unfortunately, I threw them all away at the behest of an elder who didn't want me reading such satanic material...

  • jaydee

    I would love to be able to see some of Roy's work as well please. He must have been a real thorn in Rutherford's side .

  • VM44

    Actually, I think Rutherford respected Roy Goodrich. Rutherford "commanded" Roy to write an article for "The Golden Age" and for Clayton Woodworth, the editor, to publish it.

    If he was a thorn in anyone's side, it would have been Clayton Woodworth's.

    Later, Nathan Knorr wouldn't put up with him and had him disfellowshipped in the early 1940's.

  • RR

    From what I understand he was a thorn in the side of the DAWN Bible Students. He had some nasty things to say about them.

    He also republished George Storrs "Six Sermons" and believed that Stores was the "Seventh Messenger" and not Russell.

    Goodrich was more of a follower of Nelson Barbour then anyone else!


  • VM44

    The now hard to find booklet, "Demonism and The Watch Tower" published around 1969 by Roy Goodrich is likely to be the one publication of his that would be most interest to the people here at JWD.

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