Brotherly love in action ?

by lancelink 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • calico

    I don't see how any of this is bashing JW's--They go on and on that they are the only people in the world who have true love. There are witnesses that are truly loving--but most want something in return.

  • ex-nj-jw

    That's how the jw's operate, as long as you are a productive member all is good. When you can't "do" anymore they are no where to be found. I've been trying to get a close family member, actually 2 of them to understand that. They keep telling me "aren't the jw's supposed to help their own? Why aren't they here for our family member?

    It's all up to you guys now. Keep us posted on how they are doing!


    Edited: I forgot, some will help if you pay them, and I know personally that they cheat on working hours!

  • Athanasius

    I agree with you Calico that many JWs want something in return for their assistance. After all, isn't that their sales pitch at the door, all the future rewards for joining the Witness religion, where the new recruit can live forever in perfect health on a paradise earth? Much of the JW message is designed to appeal one's self interest rather than the charity and good works of traditional Christianity. Quite often we hear about JWs who are ignored in their time of need by their fellow JWs. However, it is their neighbors who attend "Babylonish Churches" who note their plight and came to their aid.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    JWs are SUPPOSED to look out for the elderly. How it ACTUALLY works out in real life is hit or miss. But here's the bottom line:

    they basically quit going.

    No BOE is going to feel obligated to formally arrange for any substantive help for them, other than perhaps a "shepherding call" to see if your Dad is willing to put his tail between his legs and submissively come back to the K Hall.

    My $.02.


  • av8orntexas

    I understand your parents plight and feel what they are going through. That is exactly my story. I was out of work due to surgery from Nov06' to June/July 07' nary a call or visit from a single soul except one brother and his wife , whom I am to this day very grateful too and would welcome him ANY time. He has always been that type of person. I can say THAT any a few other things are what drove me to this site.

    I've come to find out, sometimes your blood family REALLY does have your back, and sometimes we should rely on 'each other' rather than the JW's

  • JeffT

    A very fundamental flaw in the Watchtower's religion is the emphasis on counting time (and/or going to meeting). Nothing else "counts." So they don't do it. The basic assumptions about charity that are found in other religions don't exist for JW's.

  • undercover

    I've seen these type things happen as well.

    Not too long ago, I ran into a friend of the family who I hadn't seen in years. This man had been associated with the same congregation for over 30 years. However he wasn't a diehard dub. His wife was an off and on aux. pioneer, but about all he ever did was go to meetings. He wasn't comfortable in the door to door and had terrible stage fright which kept him off the stage for anything. He wasn't an educated man, though he was intelligent. He supported the congregation monetarily and with helping on buiding projects and upkeep of the KH property. He gave everyone in the congregation discounts on repairs to their cars when they came to his repair shop, including elders and traveling overseers.

    During the course of the conversation he told me about having heart surgery and how only a couple of people from the hall came to visit. He found out that the same time he was admitted, another JW visiting from afar was admitted. The came to the area just for the surgery and was looking to the congregation for support. The congregation made announcements about the visiting person who was going through some issues with the blood doctrine. The "friends" took in the other family members, fed them, gave them rides to the meetings and hospital. However not one announcement was made about this brother of 30some years. Only a couple of close friends of the wife visited and after he was released no one visited him at home or offered any help.

    The whole experience left him disillusioned with the so-called brotherly love of the witnesses and he admitted that he quit going and didn't really care to go back. He noticed that everyone was quick to try to impress strangers coming in while ignoring their own.

  • golf2

    The org does not follow James 1:27 "...look after orphans and widows in their tribulation..." I know because my JW mother has experienced it. Make time to visit your mom.


  • 2112

    When my mother got cancer everyone in the congragation gave their usual "I'm sorry's".

    A few were helpful thriugh the five + years but I stress a few. The entire time the book study was held in their house never once being offered to be at another home. Even when mom was bed ridden from chemo the book study went on and most nights they expected drinks and desserts afterword. A few were upset when we did not entertain afterwords and some were vocal about it. The whole time the other eldaers used my dad so much (and he let them) that my mom would sit at home and cry feeling that he put the "brothers" above her.

    The two biggest kickers came when she finally died. First my dad wanted to give away a lot of my mothers clothes and things like that (I don't know why). So he called a few of moms friends and my sister (Non JW). But before all was said and done there were around 20 women in the house going through my mothers belonging trying to grab what they could. (My mom was into fassion and had impecable taste) So when the "loving sisters" started going through my mothers underwear my sister and I had it and sent them all out. And yes I heard about it later from the other elders for being rude! There is much more to that but you get the idea.

    The second kicker was at mom's funeral when to PO and anothr elder were talking, not knowing me and my best friend was behind them. The PO said "Well I glad that's over now (My dad) can start serving Jehoavea like a real witness should" My dad was the secratary for 4 years was the head of one of the RBC was at every mtg, elders mtg., we were even having book studies in dads house before he or mom were babtized.

    It was all my best friend could do to keep me from attacking the PO. To this day I have no respect for him, just utter contempt.

    There are many good people in the WT but the only love the WT promotes is love of self. In turn the witlesses only have that example to go by so they to love themselves.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    If they stopped going to meetings then the brotherly love ends there. I know of similar cases.... I wouldn't vount on the JWs for anything... I agree with other posters that said to go ahead and make the trip, you won't regret it.


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