Is the Watchtower finally changing for the better?

by Dead Man Joaquin 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yknot

    Yes and no.

    The only reason the WT makes any changes is because of corporate gain or corporate survival.

    The appearance of 1 less meeting is cancelled by the choice of study books. This years release seems to be a culmination of Bro. Losch's (who is reported to have admitted there are errors in doctrine) speeches over the last couple of years. They want cookie cutter looking families from the 1950's, for all to obey without question, FS FS FS, and donations.

    Will there eventually be some further changes in doctrine, yes but again it will be motivated by the gain/survival mode. Right now you have a mix of oldtimers who really believe this 80's style clamp down is gonna save them, while others want to mainstream further to increase converts and improve retention because they will out live the oldtimers and they have devoted 30+ years to achieve the position they are currently enjoying. The problem is that those making decisions get their info from the overseers, who get info from Elders wanting to look good, who get their info from R&F who probably is fibbing to the Elders to look good.......

    They would do better to read JWD if they want the pulse of the English speaking JWs. Right now all but 6 families (oldtimers) in my KH would leave the JWs if they had a "place to go" according to my informal parking lot survey last Sunday.



  • oompa

    It will get better when bras are banned and tube tops are mandatory........oompa

  • logic&reason

    CHANGE gives the illusion of progress.

  • WTWizard

    Changing for the better? I wonder how many people will still think so after the Kingdumb Misery comes out this fall telling them that they had better get out in field circus, or else.

  • Magick

    i don't know if anyone has said this... but, i feel like instead of "new light" they've just gone to "watchtower light," same shitty taste, just fewer controversial topics. after looking at their "GENERIC" website...and hearing about the "shorter" meetings, sounds like they're serving up tiny little glasses of "light" religion. ...all of us who left before the "new watchtower" formula went on the market, are left feeling sick to our stomachs, hung over from the putrid, thick, sludge we were forced to gulp down. watch out new people..."new and improved" doesn't mean "better." Remember Olestra? that fake fat, they put in potato chips? it caused abdominal cramping, loose stools and diarrhea. The Watchtower, bet you can't read just one! yum!

  • sir82

    Good cop / bad cop.

    After tightening the screws on blood, education, shunning, materialism, etc., they seemingly "relent" by scheduling one less meeting night per week.

    After being flogged over and over again for not doing enough, the congregation will be beside themselves with joy at "how concerned the brothers are for our welfare!"

    Ultimately, just like every other change over the past 20 years, the change to meeting schedules is about preservation of the organization and/or saving money.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    The fact is none of us know what intentions they had. Unless you were in the meeting where it was decided you just don't know. I personally think there is just as much a chance it was about doing something nice for the flock. I also think there is just as much chance it was just a strategic tactic to keep more in because of the masses leaving. Either way don't look to us to tell you if they are changing for the better. Some that are still in see this as a change for the worse. The question is, do you see it as a change for the better?

    For most of us on here there is probably no amount of change that would bring us back, so again the answer is left up to you.

  • blondie

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • Kosonen

    I believe it will be better. The change with the meetings I also appeciate. In fact it can become even easier. According to the bible God´s people will come together once a week, and have a extra meeting once a month. (Ezekiel 46:1-3 and Isaiah 66:23) If you like you also can wright to GB and suggest that. Also preaching activity could become more balanced if we follow Jesus´s words in Luke 10:10.

    Also the length of meeting programs could be shorter. Jesus´s sermon on the month takes only about 20 minutes to read through. In Mark 4:33 it is written that Jesus talked not longer than people enjoid to listen.

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