What's the official stand on aliens

by Eh 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    I have heard it expressed years ago - on CO/DO level even, (but probably only private musings) that the saucer sightings were "demonic activity" intended to fool people away from the true watchtower belief.

    So typical.

  • S3RAPH1M

    They teach that an extra-terrestrial named Yeshua or Iesous came into our atmosphere, was spiritually transferred to a woman genetically, was born and raised experiencing the life of a human, who later returned to his home outside of our planet, and he will return with extra-terrestrial reinforcements who will overturn existing behind the scenes invisible players in an all out alien gang war they term "Armageddon". Jesus Christ according to the "Christian" belief is indeed an Alien.

  • undercover

    The only mention of alien life that I can remember was that to speculate about it was a waste of time and that we should use that time and energy to promote God's Kingdom the Society.

  • james_woods

    Of course, this would present an interesting doctrinal problem for strict theistical religions like the JW -

    OK - if there really is life on other planets, was there an Adam and Eve? If so, did they sin? If so, then did Jesus have to be born there too - was he also impaled there too?

    Will there be otherworldly Amageddons? Are there more than one set of Satan and the Demons to kill in each of them?

    Did these planets have life before Earth did in 4000 BC? If so, then why didn't God get it right here on 3rd rock from the Sun?

    And round and round we go.

    Off with Gallileo's head - he is embarrasing to the Pope.

  • BurnTheShips
    I then quickly pointed out, that even if there were, they're so far away from us that it is highly unlikely humankind will ever encounter them.

    If the Drake Equation is correct, there will be intelligences out there far more evolved than us, with a far larger technological footprint. I am talking about millions of years of advancement. If there are that many intelligences out there, and so many are so much more advanced, the presence of intelligent life in the Universe would be scientifically undeniable.

    Google Fermi Paradox.


  • blondie
    *** w79 9/1 p. 15 Insight on the News ***In the Bible, the Creator indicates that, at least now, the earth may be unique as a planet hosting living creatures.
  • james_woods
    *** w79 9/1 p. 15 Insight on the News ***In the Bible, the Creator indicates that, at least now, the earth may be unique as a planet hosting living creatures.

    Well, Blondie - that's really putting it clear! "at least now" "the earth may be"

    Good grief - what is the point of writing anything on the subject if you have to wallow around like that?

  • james_woods

    And PSS on that - "In the Bible, the creator indicates that..."

    Exactly where "in the Bible" is such a thing even hinted at, let alone "indicated"?

    I would love to hear the tortured mis-application of scripture taken out of context that gets them to this conclusion!

  • blondie
    *** worldwide security chap. 22 p. 184 par. 10 The God of the "Prince of Peace" Becomes "All Things to Everyone" ***To all eternity our earth will bear a distinction that no other planet throughout endless space will enjoy, though the earth may not be the only planet that will ever be inhabited. Uniquely, it will be where Jehovah has indisputably vindicated his universal sovereignty, establishing an eternal and universal legal precedent.
  • james_woods

    Pretty ego-centric to actually think that way, isn't it - didn't they ever just look up at the sky on a dark, clear night?

    I actually did hear a circuit overseer say that "perhaps in the new system, we will be instructed to go forth and populate other planets"...

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