I feel very sorry

by mouthy 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Last night I listened to the conferance call with the Bowens. I thought it was excellent .I feel they are doing a marvelous work & are to be commended

    I am very sorry I upset Bob Porter. Who had some excellent advice. But truly I did not mean to cause him aggrevation. If you read this Bob Please forgive me.

    I mentioned the name Jehovah ....That many who leave the WT hold it in contempt. Rick & Bob felt it is Gods name ....I am sorry I dont .....I would rather use Yaweh if we use anything But I refer to God as FATHER!!!!!
    Because I am a person who says what I think( I know proverbs 18:2 talks about me )instead of thinking what I say...I caused a man to be upset. Now I am bothered by that. I have asked Ricks forgiveness on a e-mail & on his web page... But I wont listen any more as I hate hurting folks ,which seems my wont to do


  • Quirky1

    Granny, we are a forgiving bunch. I'm sure there will be no harbored bad feelings. Although I'm agnostic and do not acknoledge a supreme being I do agree that the pronunciation of the name does sound more logically to be yahweh. But I don't care what you call him.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Grace, if someone is hurt from you giving your honest opinion about what you belief, they are insecure and too sensitive.

  • llbh

    Is not the point that on programs like that, that there is to be a free exchange of views? Therefore i am sure they have no right to be upset, and hopefully wont be.

    Granny we know you and love you for what you are so do not worry

    Regards david

  • UnConfused

    I would expect a night's sleep and your words would alleviate any hard feelings on Bob's part.

  • Velvetann


    I am sure they will forgive you for speaking your mind. Don't feel to bad, we want you to have a good day.


    Hugs from Velveteann

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Grace - what John Doe said

    I might be wrong but I don't think they'll have been as upset as it seemed

    Either way - don't beat yourself up too much over it m'kay?

  • mouthy

    Oh V... I love the Dogs !!!!Am I the Big one LOL Thank you for your call... Really good to hear from you. You sound like a little girl so sweet!!!!!

    Thanks for all your words to make me feel better. to each & every one.of you they say confession is good for the soul....LOL So You have all given me absolution.And I didnt have to say no Hail Mary.s

  • Velvetann

    Granny Grace

    It was great talking to you, you light up the day just talking to you.

    NO the little dog is YOU *giggle*


  • mouthy

    NO the little dog is YOU *giggle*

    HA!HA! I dont think so V.... I told you my weight... The little one is the size of my big toe

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