My personal "Alamo"

by Lee Elder 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    If you've served as an elder for any significant amount of time, you've likely seen some things that just don't set right with you - it doesn't take long. I was an idealistic young man with a family when I was appointed in the mid 1980's. My wife and I were third generation JW's, both having served as regular pioneers.

    Sadly, this period of time is somewhat blurry with respects to my family. The demands of work and the organization did not leave sufficient time for family or self. I do recall, however, many of my early impressions as a new elder.

    While some of the elders showed balance, moderation and good judgement, others were very opinionated with a propensity to serve as "busybodies" in the affairs of others.

    I remember one brother in particular (I'll call him Br. P) who had a serious problem in this regard. Br. "P" had only a high school education but thought he knew it all. Bristling with overconfidence, Br. "P" was a "country-boy" who didn't know the difference between a "fleshly organism" and a "fleshly orgasm" as he put it when reading that famous verse in Proverbs.

    Br. "P", was nothing short of a bull in a china shop and it was a full time job to keep him restrained. At one of my early elders meetings, he persisted in his demands to impose one of his goofy ideas on the flock - I can't even recall which one it was since there were so many. What I do remember was that it took the entire body of elders nearly an hour to convince him to back-down. This was not a pleasant thing to behold. I was somewhat shocked to see the way some of these "elders" would carry on. These were men "appointed by holy spirit", at least so I thought.

    At the time, I remember feeling so grateful to have had some of the more moderate individuals on the body. I came to view several of these brothers as "mentors". One in particular - I'll call him Br. "D" - was a soft-spoken individual who was an exceptional teacher. He took the lead in showing honor to others and became a dear friend and "father-like" figure for me. Br. "D" had the ability to put you completely at ease. When you spoke to him, you always knew he was really listening and really cared. One of the finest individuals I have ever known.
    I only saw Br. "D" upset one time and that was when Br. "P" pulled one of his stunts.

    Br, "D" died a few years ago. I think a part of me died right then too. With the loss of Br. "D" and the departure of other moderate brothers on our local body of elders, it became harder to restrain Br. "P". Soon the balance of power shifted and Br. "P" could not be restrained. Emboldened by the awful example of one circuit overseer, Br. "P" no longer saw any need to restrain himself and the body of elders continued its slide to the right.

    It was in this atmosphere where I was confronted with my convictions and personal crisis. Already aware of much of the truth about the Watchtower Society, I felt obliged to take a stand and do what I could to protect the friends in the local congregation from what I can only describe as "oppressive wolves." This was my personal "Alamo".

    There is quite a story to be told about happened in this period of my life. I choose not to reveal too many details at this time but I'll share a few.

    I can remember the last visit of the C.O. He blasted the congregation and used every dirty little trick in the book to make the friends feel guilty, even reading his nasty little report to the congregation, making fun of people with Chronic Fatigue and depression, etc.

    It was so bad, that the body met following the visit and decided unanimously that we had to do something about this vile, woman hating man but we couldn't decide what to. Let me give you one example to illustrate. Out in field service, this C.O would say things like, "look at how short that woman's skirt is…I could measure the distance between her orifices."

    In any event, we met again a few days later and took another vote. Now it was 7-2 in favor of acting. Br. "P", now the P.O., decided that since the vote was not unanimous, we would leave the matter in Jehovah's hands. It became clear that most were concerned about their own "position." I could have cared less.

    A few days later I gave a local "special needs" talk, I still have it, and dissected the visit and remarks of the C.O. I used quotes from WTS publications to neutralize all of his poisonous rhetoric. I followed up with a formal complaint to the WTS.

    An investigation was launched at the request of the Service Department. The D.O. was sent in and interviewed elders and publishers in numerous congregations. Within a few weeks the D.O. told me he was shocked that all of these various elders knew what was going on and yet I was the only one who had come forward. The C.O. was directed to apologize to each congregation for the remarks he made. That was as far as the matter went.

    For a time, things were better for the friends but my actions had alienated me from a majority on the local body. I was a marked man.

  • hillary_step


    Unfortunately a sickening reflection of my own many years spent battling against the flow of a morass of uneducated and self-serving opinion.

    Like, yourself, I have met many, many elders who are sincere, kind and noble in their desires and they try their frustrated best against the odds. Many burn out. Some as they get older, lose the will to fight and aquiese to the bull-headed, some fade away and wither. One thing is certain, only the thick-headed survive intact.

    Having been on the receiving end of a so called apology from a CO at one time, my experience is that it was rather like being kissed full on the lips by a long-dead halibut. A moment I could well have lived without.

    Keep up the good work - HS

  • teejay


    Your remarks only serve to make me thankful that, even though I was raised in the truth, I never 'made it' to MS or elder. I never cared about 'position.' I seldom knew my place and had a rep for speaking what was on my mind, and not always with delightful words.

    I spent a long time as a Witness, though. An underling, a publisher... whatever you wanna call nobodies like me. I observed (and suffered from) some of the shenanigans corrupt, evil men pulled for many years.

    Back then, the 'understanding' given was: "Jehovah uses what's available" and "He'll straighten it out one day." The poor example set by the High Priest's sons (were their names Hopni and Phineas? I forget) was also trotted out as a reason for putting up with the crimes of these evil men. Many people, too numerous to mention but all of them equally abused like me, offered this explanation while suffering in silence. I wasn't having it. I spoke my mind.

    Yet, out of respect for the Holy Word and its Author, I bought that explanation (aka: line of bullshit) completely. Good thing I didn't know then what I know now. I'd probably be in jail.

  • Satanus


    Are you still an elder or jw? Just wondering. Bet you're glad to tell this story to someone.


  • teejay

    I couldn't agree more, Saint.

    The bullshit these good-hearted people have to put up with, at the hands of psychotic, evil men, all the while living with the belief that a loving, all-powerful god is overseeing everything and events are to his liking ... that has to be hard to deal with.

    It just ain't natural. Shortens their lives, I'm sure. Must be why I look so young for my age!!

  • anewperson

    Sounds typical. It is safer to write up the wrongs done by COs, DOs, Elders or what-nots then mail or email them to people. Bullies hurt so many people they can't be sure who hit them when their walls start falling! BTW, we notice you got pretty quiet about blood issue stuff. Were you mis-hoping for reforms this year? Strung along by reports of such?

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    hillary_step wrote:

    "Having been on the receiving end of a so called apology from a CO at one time, my experience is that it was rather like being kissed full on the lips by a long-dead halibut. A moment I could well have lived without."

    Isn't that the truth. This guy had the nerve to tell the congregations: "I understand that some of my comments
    may have been inappropriate for this area." I couldn't believe it...why even bother. They just shipped him out
    to another circuit where he started up with the same nonsense according to reports I later received.

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    Saint Satan wrote:

    "Are you still an elder or jw? Just wondering. Bet you're glad to tell this story to someone."

    I resigned as an elder about 4 years ago. I am inactive and consider myself a "dissident"
    JW. I have said very little about my personal experiences up to this point but yes there
    is something healing about sharing one's experience.

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    anewperson wrote:

    "BTW, we notice you got pretty quiet about blood
    issue stuff. Were you mis-hoping for reforms this year? Strung along by reports of such?"

    No, we have no reason to believe that any additional reforms will be made
    anytime soon. Dr. Muramoto and I are both quite busy with pressing personal
    issues at this time. We hope to be able to spend more time working on the
    issue next year.

    Don't quickly dismiss the significance of the reforms made in June of 2000. They
    were huge! A year from now most Witnesses will have access to oxygen carrying
    hemoglobin solutions. This will eliminate a significant percentage of the deaths
    that occur in cases of trauma and massive unanticipated blood loss that are
    directly related to the WTS' partial blood ban.

    There is still, however, much work to be done.

  • beroea

    Dear Lee Elder

    Thanks for you post. As elder still here in the north of Europe I have similar experience. The battle between the moderators and the organisation men are going on in many bodies of local elders.

    We get one of those really “loyal" men in our congregations about 5 years ago. He has a great background as a loyal man to the BORG and served very high in “Jehovah’s visible organisation”. A pure brainwashed man - not stupid - but unable to see his own evil acts towards the little ones in the congregations. Our PO looks at him as his mentor so we have a lot of battles.

    Another time I will tell more but I share your experience. It’s a challenge to the conscience.


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